Kod'yoks were a docile species of four-legged creatures, covered in shaggy fur and bearing horns, that were non-sentient. These animals lived freely on the wide-open plains of Vandor, a planet known for its snowy climate.
The indigenous people of Vandor found numerous uses for the local kod'yoks. They utilized them as a means of transportation, raised them for their meat and milk, and harvested their fur to create warm coats. Additionally, their hides were processed into leather, and even their excrement was employed as a fuel source. When Tivoche Bilure initially arrived on Vandor, he participated in kod'yok roundups using a speeder bike, and mastered the use of a skinner's laser knife. Later, he regretted this occupation as hunting and the construction of fences led to a decrease in kod'yok populations during the Galactic Empire's occupation of the planet.
Tibbs Ospe, who owned The Lodge located in Fort Ypso, served kod'yok steaks to the customers of his establishment. He also supplied these steaks, along with other items, to Qi'ra, an associate of Crimson Dawn, who in turn delivered them to Dryden Vos's yacht. Lando Calrissian, a gambler, considered investing in a kod'yok ranch as one of his potential ventures while he was present on Vandor.
The term "Kodyok-leather" was first introduced in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a book authored by Pablo Hidalgo. Within this book, the material of DJ's coat is identified as being kodyok-leather.
Scenes depicting Beckett's crew riding kod'yoks onto the conveyex were filmed, but these scenes were ultimately removed to shorten the film's overall runtime.