Tivoche Bilure

Tivoche Bilure, known also by his moniker, "Midnight," was a human male hailing from Corellia. During the era of the Galactic Empire, he held the position of bartender at the Lodge, situated on the planet Vandor. His time there allowed him to become acquainted with individuals such as Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and various other patrons of the Lodge, each with their own unique narratives. To preserve the tales he encountered, Bilure authored a book, documenting the experiences and stories shared by those who frequented his bar.


Early life

Born on Corellia, Tivoche Bilure spent his formative years in a densely populated, working-class district of Coronet City, an area largely ignored by the authorities. His family perpetually struggled with insufficient money to afford adequate [food](/article/foodstuff]. As a young boy, he was employed tending to mobile furnaces at the shipbreaking yards of Coronet City. Bilure feared growing old and developing Shipbreaker's Cough, a condition that afflicted his father, and spending his life toiling for credits without ever achieving financial security. Determined to avoid this fate, Bilure diligently saved his earnings and secured passage aboard the bulk freighter named Rampaea Horizon. After working to pay off his fare, he continued to work for wages, and he used a datapad to research each planet the Horizon visited, trying to find a place he wanted to stay. When the ship arrived on Vandor, Bilure immediately felt that this was the planet for him, without needing to do any research, and he cited the clean air and expansive sky as his reasons.

Settling on Vandor

After establishing himself on Vandor, Tivoche Bilure undertook a diverse range of jobs to sustain himself. He would frequent the Lodge in Fort Ypso, seeking connections with individuals seeking to hire laborers. His initial employment involved riding a speeder bike to herd kod'yoks and skinning them using a laser knife. He later regretted this action due to the subsequent decline in the kod'yok population. Subsequently, he took on a role that involved ascending Mount Redolava to assist in the installation of a comm repeater. When the Empire's presence began on Vandor, Bilure accepted a position constructing conveyex tracks across Spinnaker Raider territory. Bilure and his fellow workers were forced to rebuild the tracks three times, as the Spinnakers destroyed the tracks each time they were completed. On the third attempt, the Spinnakers launched an assault on the workers upon their arrival. Bilure sought refuge beneath a kod'yok skin and was the sole survivor of the attack. While making his way back to the base camp, Bilure was targeted by a TIE Fighter pilot who mistook him for a raider.

One evening, while Bilure was at the Lodge, the owner, Tibbs Ospe, needed someone to help restart the slug feeder for the slug furnace. Bilure's past experience with mobile furnaces as a youth enabled him to complete the task. Thereafter, every time he visited the Lodge, Tibbs would find small tasks for him to assist with, until he offered Bilure room and board in exchange for his continued help. One night, a group of skinners entered the Lodge just as the last barkeep's shift ended, so Bilure stayed up all night to serve the guests. After hearing Bilure's talent for talking with the visitors, Tibbs offered him the position of overnight bartender full time.

Behind the scenes

Tivoche Bilure was initially referenced in Jason Fry's 2018 replica journal, titled Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor. When questioned about the accuracy of Bilure's stories, Fry commented, "Personally, I wouldn't trust anything Midnight tells you."


  • Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor (First mentioned)

Notes and references
