Kondra was a lieutenant in the Alliance Military, identified as a male of the human species. In 3 ABY, he took over the responsibilities previously held by officer Aeliar and agent Gita at the rebel outpost located on the [jungle](/article/jungle] planet Lowik; it was there that he wed Yuralla Vega, an immigrant hailing from Chorin. During this time, he played a role in rescuing [Beilert Valance](/article/beilert_valance], Vega's previous romantic partner, and further aided in repelling the attack on the base by bounty hunters 4-LOM and Zuckuss. He later reached out to Valance, requesting his assistance in saving the Spirit of Jedha from Terminus. While Kondra and Vega were presumed killed following the bombing of the rebel base (where they had brought Cadeliah) by the Galactic Empire, and Cadeliah was subsequently captured by Crimson Dawn, they actually lived.