Gita, existing in the Imperial Era, served the Rebel Alliance as a human operative. Before joining the Rebellion, she was a hunter of wildlife on the planetoid Mytar. To secure weaponry from the criminal organization known as the Hidden Hand, Gita adopted the persona of "Urrr'k," a Tusken Raider sniper. As Urrr'k, she was selected by Gwi, the leader of the Hidden Hand, for inclusion on a team under the command of Beilert Valance, a cyborg bounty hunter, with the mission to hunt and capture the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
During her assignment, Gita communicated details regarding her team to Aeliar, her rebel commander, facilitating the Alliance's acquisition of arms from the criminal organization. While operating on Arvina, a celestial body situated in the Outer Rim, Gita offered long-range support, safeguarding her colleagues and enabling their withdrawal by neutralizing bandits and Imperial TIE fighters in pursuit. Aboard Valance's cruiser, the Broken Wing, while stationed on Heva, she operated the vessel's weaponry, engaging with attacking TIE fighters. Upon the ship's landing, Gita and her team confronted Vader, only to be overcome by the Sith Lord.
Following the failure of her mission and the revelation of her true identity to Valance, Gita journeyed to the rebel outpost located on the planet Lowik, a world covered in jungle, where she resided alongside Aeliar. The two permitted the inhabitants of Chorin, Valance's homeworld, to immigrate to Lowik after the cyborg consented to furnish the rebels with armaments, utilizing the remuneration from their initial endeavor to apprehend Vader. When Gita extended an invitation to Valance to join the Alliance, he declined and departed Lowik to resume his profession as a bounty hunter.
On the astronomical object Mytar, Gita, a human, received instruction in the art of hunting from another human during her formative years. As Gita aimed at a creature during a hunting expedition, the instructor advised her to inhale deeply and await the animal's movement. When Gita discharged her sniper rifle, only wounding the target, the individual remarked that the animal's meat would spoil, as it would flee until it bled out. Gita was cautioned that they would become the hunted in battle, and that she must only shoot to kill.

During the Imperial Era, Gita functioned as an undercover operative for the Rebel Alliance. She eventually adopted the disguise of "Urrr'k," a Tusken Raider sniper, thereby capturing the interest of the Hidden Hand criminal syndicate. Gita was discovered and recruited by Gwi, the syndicate's leader who posed as a mere messenger for the organization. She was then integrated into a team tasked with hunting down and eliminating the Sith Lord Darth Vader. When recruiting the cyborg bounty hunter Beilert Valance to lead the team in 1 BBY, Gwi described the disguised rebel as a highly skilled sniper with a mysterious past. Alongside Valance, Gita was also accompanied by Arr-Nine-Nineteen, a droid who claimed to be a Jedi hunter, Chio Fain, an Ardennian slicer, Honnah, a Gamorrean tracker, and Dengar, a bounty hunter.
Following Valance's encounter with the team, Gita witnessed the cyborg's destruction of Arr-Nine-Nineteen, who revealed that the droid was a spy working for the Hutt Clan and a fraudulent Jedi hunter. With the team now complete, they commenced their mission. Gita then contacted the rebel base situated within the Fellio Asteroid Belt in the Outer Rim, informing her superior, Aeliar, that her team had initiated their assignment. Gita's actions enabled the rebels to begin procuring arms from the Hidden Hand, as Vader was preoccupied with pursuing those attempting to assassinate him. Unbeknownst to Gita, Valance had discerned that she was not a genuine Tusken Raider, given that Tuskens rarely venture beyond their homeworld of Tatooine.

Aboard Valance's cruiser, the Broken Wing, the team journeyed to the astronomical object of Arvina in the Outer Rim, where they contacted Fetya, a Besalisk arms dealer, to acquire weaponry. Valance instructed Gita to remain behind and provide long-range support while the rest of the team met with the weapons dealer in Fetya's Hollow, a local settlement. Furthermore, despite expressing his distrust of her, Valance conveyed his confidence in Gita's abilities as a sniper. When the transaction with Fetya deteriorated and the Empire initiated an assault on the settlement, Gita neutralized the Besalisk's associates and covered her team's retreat, destroying a number of TIE fighters in the process.
After departing Arvina, the team proceeded to a Hidden Hand outpost on the astronomical object Heva, where they contacted Wef, another arms dealer, and requested several bot-drones, weapons originally intended for Imperial use but abandoned due to their unstable technology. Using electrobinoculars, Gita observed the exchange between Wef, Dengar, and Honnah. Vader and his forces soon arrived aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Formidable; the Sith Lord had received information regarding the group's location from Dengar, who was acting as his informant within the team.
The disguised rebel then accompanied Valance and Fain in the Broken Wing as they deployed the bot-drones to attack the Star Destroyer, with Gita operating the cruiser's laser cannons and engaging TIE fighters. However, Vader attacked the Broken Wing in his personal TIE Advanced x1, dislodging Gita from her position. Following Fain's successful destruction of the Star Destroyer using the bot-drones, Valance landed his damaged starship, and Gita fled the vessel along with the others. Capitalizing on the resulting dust cloud, the team targeted Vader, who had landed and activated his lightsaber.

Despite Valance's command for the team to stand by and await his signal, Fain and Honnah unexpectedly charged toward Vader, with Fain discharging his blasters. When Vader deflected the blaster bolts, one of them shattered Gita's mask, while another struck Valance in the chest. With her face now visible, Gita rushed to the aid of the injured Valance, revealing her true identity to the cyborg. As Valance prepared to confront Vader, Gita witnessed the deaths of Fain and Honnah, much to her dismay. Recalling her training on Mytar, the sniper distracted Vader by shooting at him, but was subsequently incapacitated by Vader's Force abilities. Gita's actions afforded Valance sufficient time to approach the Sith and attach an electro-pulse device to his cape. However, Valance was paralyzed and captured when Dengar betrayed the team and electrocuted the cyborg.
After Valance's capture, Gita journeyed to the rebel outpost on the planet Lowik, a world covered in jungle, and rejoined Aeliar. Sometime later, she suggested to Aeliar that she could resume her mission as Urrr'k, but was informed that the Hidden Hand had ceased operations and that the rebels would need to seek out another weapons supplier. Upon hearing this, Gita responded that no one would engage in transactions with the Alliance. The two were then greeted by Valance, who had been freed by Vader. He revealed the location of a Hidden Hand outpost, claiming to know where the rebels could acquire more weapons.

Following Valance's departure toward the Hidden Hand's main outpost in an asteroid field, Aeliar expressed her reservations about trusting the cyborg. Gita asserted that they had no alternative and assured her that Valance would secure the weapons they needed to combat the Empire. While Valance was at the outpost, the two rebels permitted the inhabitants of Chorin, Valance's homeworld, to seek refuge in the rebel base in exchange for the weapons Valance would provide to the Alliance. Consequently, the immigrants avoided a massacre at the hands of the Empire. Upon the cyborg's return, Gita offered Valance a position within the Rebellion. However, he declined and departed to continue his career as a bounty hunter, but not before providing the rebels with the promised weapons, utilizing the payment from their unsuccessful mission to assassinate Vader. By 3 ABY, Lieutenant Kondra succeeded Gita and Aeliar's position at Lowik.

During her time as Urrr'k, Gita communicated with her team exclusively in the Tusken language, projecting a stoic demeanor. Despite Beilert Valance's distrust of the disguised rebel, Gita recognized the cyborg's combat expertise and later assured Aeliar of his skill in battle and his potential to greatly aid the Rebel Alliance. When extending an invitation to Valance to join them, Gita remarked that while he may not be exceptionally intelligent, he was a courageous warrior. Gita also held a belief in the Force, frequently employing variations of the phrase "May the Force be with you." Gita possessed black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
Drawing upon her hunting experience acquired on Mytar, Gita was a proficient marksman, capable of eliminating targets from a considerable distance using her sniper rifle and disabling TIE fighters by damaging their wings. When Gwi described the sniper to Valance, he asserted that she could eliminate a target from halfway across a planet.
As a sharpshooter, Gita primarily utilized a sniper rifle as her weapon of choice. While hunting on Mytar, she wore light-colored clothing that covered her entire body, with the exception of her face. Gita later donned a Tusken Raider's attire while operating undercover for the Rebel Alliance and employed electrobinoculars to observe the exchange between Wef, Honnah, and Dengar on Heva. Upon returning to Aeliar on Lowik, she wore a brown jacket with brown gloves and pants.
Gita made her debut as the Tusken Raider Urrr'k in the first issue of the comic-book series Star Wars: Target Vader, a 2019 publication penned by Robbie Thompson, illustrated by Marc Laming and Cris Bolson, and released by Marvel Comics on July 3, 2019. Her revelation as the rebel agent Gita occurred in the series' fourth issue, also authored by Thompson, illustrated by Stefano Landini, and published on October 9, 2019. The cover of Target Vader's inaugural issue depicts a disguised Gita wielding a gaderffii stick. However, she is never depicted using one within the series itself.
Prior to the comic's release, the character was initially introduced through a mention of Valance's team by assistant editor Tom Groneman during a panel at Star Wars Celebration Chicago in April 2019, which was subsequently detailed in an article published on on April 15.