
Gwi, a male Tarsunt, held the position of supreme commander within the Hidden Hand criminal organization throughout the Imperial Era. He enlisted a squad with the stated intention of pursuing Darth Vader, presenting himself as merely a representative of the syndicate. Upon a subsequent encounter with Valance, his true identity was disclosed, but he was eventually apprehended during a confrontation with Vader.


Recruiting a team

During the Imperial Era, Gwi, a male Tarsunt, presided over the Hidden Hand criminal enterprise. Following Darth Vader's interrogation and execution of Hidden Hand members on Fikari, he covertly observed the Sith Lord communicating with his master, Darth Sidious, who emphasized the syndicate's high-priority status and the necessity of its elimination. Subsequently, he initiated the formation of a team comprised of bounty hunters tasked with the mission of hunting Vader.

While present at BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits located on Coruscant, Gwi trailed the bounty hunter Beilert Valance to Docking Bay 21, where he approached the cyborg as he entered his starship, designated the Broken Wing. Valance responded by aiming his blaster pistol at the Tarsunt, but Gwi asserted his intention to offer employment and displayed a container filled with credits. He identified himself as a messenger representing the syndicate, concealing his actual position as its leader. Gwi reminded Valance of the Bounty Hunters' Guild's existing bounty on him due to his unauthorized acquisition of bounties. He proposed a task to the cyborg involving the elimination of "a man" and the clearing of his bounty, but Valance declined, citing his adherence to two principles: maintaining awareness of his employer's identity and operating independently as a bounty hunter. As Valance boarded his vessel, Gwi revealed the target to be Darth Vader, which finally sparked his interest.

Gwi introduced Valance to his new team of bounty hunters.

Gwi proceeded to introduce Valance to the team he would collaborate with, providing explanations of the backgrounds of the tracker Honnah, the sniper Urrr'k, the slicer Chio Fain, the jedi hunter Arr-Nine-Nineteen, and the bounty hunter Dengar. Upon their initial encounter, Valance promptly destroyed Arr-Nine-Nineteen, much to Gwi's astonishment. Gwi emphasized the droid's necessity for the mission, but the cyborg disclosed its status as a mole for the Hutts and its false representation of its profession. Valance asserted that bounty hunters were solely motivated by financial gain, to which Gwi concurred. With the team fully assembled, they commenced their mission to apprehend Vader.


Gwi later took up residence within the syndicate's primary base. Following Valance's capture and subsequent presentation before him, the Tarsunt disclosed that he had always been at the helm of the syndicate. While proceeding to assault and mock the cyborg, he boasted about the Hidden Hand's establishment over several years. Valance revealed his exclusive knowledge of Gwi's true position and his deduction of the outpost's location within an asteroid field. Gwi persisted in his physical assault, reminding Valance of his transgressions against the Bounty Guild. Valance retorted that he had tracked him down in retaliation for the destruction of his homeworld, Chorin.

Gwi, leader of the Hidden Hand, was finally captured by the Empire.

As Gwi prepared to discharge his blaster at Valance, Vader and his forces initiated a raid on the hideout. Valance exploited the distraction to launch an attack, disarming Gwi. He then aimed the blaster at the Tarsunt, but the latter was abruptly levitated by Vader, who informed the cyborg that the Emperor required him alive. Gwi was subsequently escorted away by stormtroopers for interrogation by the Emperor himself.

Personality and traits

Gwi possessed brown hair and eyes, complemented by gray skin. He adopted a modest demeanor during his initial encounter with Valance, successfully persuading the cyborg to join him without resorting to threats, while concealing his actual role as the Hidden Hand's leader. Upon revealing this fact to Valance, he proudly recounted the Hidden Hand's establishment over numerous years and expressed vehement displeasure regarding the failure of Valance's mission.

Skills and abilities

As Valance was presented before him, Gwi initiated a series of physical assaults, but was swiftly overwhelmed by the cyborg when the Empire launched an assault on his hideout.


Gwi was attired in a brown coat paired with black pants and boots. During his recruitment of Valance, he carried a briefcase containing credits. He also carried a cane and used a blaster pistol while residing in the Hidden Hand's main hideout.

