Unidentified human (Mytar)

An individual human once taught Gita the art of hunting. While on Mytar, the human once gave Gita instructions to wait for the animal to buck as they prepared to shoot. When Gita fired but didn't kill the animal, the human explained that the meat would spoil because the animal would run until it bled out and died. The human then reminded Gita that they, too, could become the hunted in battle, emphasizing that she must only shoot with the intention to kill. Later, during the hunt for the Sith Lord Darth Vader in 1 BBY, Gita recalled the human's advice as she aimed at the Sith Lord. The human had light skin and blue eyes. When teaching Gita, they were dressed in light green clothing that concealed all of their body except for their face.

Behind the scenes

The fourth issue of the 2019 Star Wars: Target Vader comic book series, released on October 9, 2019 by Marvel Comics, featured the human in a flashback. The comic was written by Robbie Thompson and the illustrations were done by Stefano Landini.

