Wef, a Melbu who specialized in arms dealing, plied his trade during the Imperial Era, engaging in transactions with diverse individuals for a number of years. After an interaction with a representative from the Hidden Hand criminal organization, Wef began doing business with them, operating from a base situated on the celestial body Heva. In the year 1 BBY, Beilert Valance, a cyborg, along with his team of bounty hunters, made a visit to Wef's outpost while engaged in a hunt to capture the Sith Lord Darth Vader. The hunters seeking a bounty obtained a group of bot-drones that Wef had planned to sell to another client, and subsequently deployed them against an Imperial Star Destroyer that had followed them to Heva.

Wef functioned as a arms dealer, engaging in transactions with a variety of clients over several years. During the Imperial Era, the dealer arranged a trade with the Pykes, a criminal group, only to discover the clients deceased at the designated meeting location. Only a Chagrian remained, informing Wef that the Hidden Hand criminal syndicate was presenting an offer that was three times more lucrative than the Pykes. In order to preserve his life, Wef accepted the proposition and entered into a business relationship with the Hidden Hand. Wef's sales experienced a significant surge, as he conducted business with various Hidden Hand intermediaries over the years, including several humans and an individual with green skin. Eventually, the arms dealer established operations from a Hidden Hand outpost situated on the astronomical body Heva.
At one juncture, Rebak, a member of the Rebellion, showed interest in acquiring a collection of bot-drones owned by the Hidden Hand that had been in Wef's possession for a considerable time. The weapons were initially intended for the Galactic Empire but were ultimately turned down due to their unreliable technology. However, Wef identified another prospective buyer in a crew of bounty hunters led by Beilert Valance, a cyborg, who had arrived at the Hidden Hand outpost on Heva during their hunt targeting the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader in 1 BBY.

As Wef guided Dengar and Honnah, two members of Valance's team, through the Heva outpost, the arms dealer mentioned that they were not the only ones interested in purchasing the bot-drones. Wef would have provided the bot-drones to the hunters at no cost due to their lack of dependability, but he explained that the Hidden Hand had secured another buyer, necessitating a higher monetary offer from the hunters. When the hunters inquired about Wef's knowledge of the Hidden Hand, the dealer acknowledged the group's secrecy but emphasized the significant improvement in business resulting from their partnership. However, Wef also observed a peculiar characteristic in the behavior of all the Hidden Hand contacts, drawing a comparison to bounty hunters.
While Valance's team examined Wef's bot-drones at the outpost's command center, the arms dealer questioned their need for the drones. Valance then gestured towards the sky, revealing the arrival of the Imperial Star Destroyer Formidable at Heva, with Vader on board. The Dark Lord had located the hunters, having received information about their location from Dengar, who was acting as an informant within Valance's crew. Upon observing the Star Destroyer, Wef declared that their demise was imminent. However, through the use of the bot-drones they had acquired, Valance and his team successfully destroyed the Imperial warship.

Wef placed a high value on his own life, almost as much as he valued credits, and he was willing to conduct business as an arms dealer with anyone who could provide payment. In terms of galactic politics, Wef considered the Rebellion to be the "good guys," while he regarded the criminal Pyke Syndicate with moral skepticism. Nevertheless, he entered into a business arrangement with the Hidden Hand out of fear for his life.
During his interactions with Beilert Valance's group of bounty hunters on Heva, Wef freely shared confidential business details, such as disclosing the identity of the other party interested in acquiring the bot-drones and his past dealings with the Pykes. Wef expressed a sense of personal connection and trust towards the hunters Dengar and Honnah. However, he later reprimanded Valance's slicer, Chio Fain, after observing him manipulating the bot-drones and treating them as if they were "toys." The presence of the Imperial Star Destroyer Formidable in the skies above Heva convinced Wef that their entire group was destined for destruction. As a member of the Melbu species, Wef possessed orange eyes and brown skin with green mottling.
While on Heva, Wef wore reddish-orange robes and a dark-green, long-sleeved undergarment, and he also utilized a breathing mask connected to respirator horns, which was characteristic of Melbu. The arms dealer had been holding onto a number of bot-drones for several years due to their technological unreliability before Beilert Valance and his bounty hunters obtained them and used them to destroy the Star Destroyer Formidable.
Wef made an appearance in the third issue of the Star Wars: Target Vader comic-book miniseries, which was written by Robbie Thompson, illustrated by Stefano Landini, and published by Marvel Comics on September 25, 2019.