The Koro-1 airspeeder, along with its enhanced and more luxurious variant, the Koro-1 Deluxe airspeeder, represented a dragster-inspired airspeeder design. It was produced and marketed by the Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation. Following the Koro-1, Desler Gizh introduced the improved Koro-2 model.
Back in 24 BBY, the Commerce Guild established a presence on Korriban, a planet known for its lack of taxation. This location served as a destination for Guild members facing disciplinary actions. The Guild's move encouraged other corporations to follow suit, opening their own offices in Dreshdae, Korriban's spaceport. By 23 BBY, however, executives of the Guild were experiencing a concerning increase in robberies at their hotels, carried out by black market operatives. A Jedi team learned of this from their informant on Korriban, Teluron Thacker. Using the escalating criminal activity targeting its personnel as justification, the Guild, in violation of Republic regulations, deployed a droid army to Korriban. These droids were positioned at the forefront of their officers and troops, who were equipped with plastoid armor and battlefield helmets. The droid force included dwarf and homing spider droids. The Guild's army and security forces on Korriban aimed not only to safeguard its employees from minor offenses, but also to dismantle the local black market. Guild executives were frustrated with having to repurchase their own stolen possessions from the very thieves who took them.
The Commerce Guild Army and Punitive Security Forces on Korriban became entangled (likely through the Guild's interactions with the resurging Sith influence in the galaxy) in the pursuit of a Jedi Order team (led by Obi-Wan Kenobi). The Jedi High Council dispatched this team to locate galactic criminals Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor. While the army engaged Kenobi and three other Jedi Masters within the long-deserted Sith Academy located in the Great Sith Temple, the Guild's local security forces—the Commerce Guild Army Patrol—initiated a high-speed pursuit of the Jedi. Anakin Skywalker, at 18 years old, was piloting their Koro-1 Deluxe airspeeder into the Valley of the Dark Lords, resulting in the fiery destruction of all the patrol's cruisers.
The eight Jedi members of the Korriban team were provided with the 'Deluxe' version of the Koro-1 airspeeder, a luxurious model capable of seating at least eight individuals. Teluron Thacker, a Commerce Guild member and informant for the Jedi Order, was the owner of this vehicle. Thacker's airspeeder, a spacious model intended for corporate clients, featured a vibrant orange exterior with decorative fins and was equipped with a pair of sniper blasters. Despite these features, he acknowledged that his 'Deluxe' speeder lacked speed and agility. However, Thacker ultimately betrayed his Jedi allies after the Sith-influenced Guild "got to him," and his resolve faltered in the face of forces he feared more than the Jedi. Master Siri Tachi noticed Thacker's increased anxiety after he exclaimed "I'm sorry!" as the Jedi departed in the luxury vehicle. As they raced towards the Valley of the Dark Lords (in pursuit of Omega and Zan Arbor), the Jedi found themselves pursued by Commerce Guild Army Patrol cruisers, who ordered them to land their Koro-1.
After navigating the airspeeder to a high altitude above Dreshdae, Anakin estimated a ten-minute journey to the Valley and accelerated the vehicle to its maximum velocity. Suddenly, Guild security cruisers were tailing them, and the comm unit broadcasted an order from the Guild army patrol on the emergency channel, demanding they land the stolen vehicle. Kenobi disputed this, stating the speeder was loaned by its owner, but the patrol claimed the owner had reported it stolen and threatened to use laser-cannon fire if they didn't comply within thirty seconds. When Kenobi asked his Padawan if he could outrun the patrol, Anakin responded that he could if absolutely necessary, and initiated a sharp dive with the speeder. Struggling to keep pace, the army speeders fired their cannons. Anakin discovered that the Koro-1's sniper blasters were inoperable when he attempted to retaliate; the Jedi could only seek refuge within the canyons as they sped towards the Sith Academy. Anakin realized that achieving greater speed was essential to evade the patrol. With Jedi Master Ry-Gaul taking over the controls, Anakin moved past the other Jedi to the rear, released the Koro-1 canopy using a servodriver, and, using a fusion cutter provided by Master Soara Antana from the cabin tool kit, severed the connections of the luxury model's decorative port fins and jettisoned them. He also made deep cuts into the Koro-1's vibrant plastoid shell and sent it flying (meanwhile, the canopy collided with the lead security speeder's viewport, causing it to crash onto the planet's surface). Returning to the controls, Anakin was now able to reach maximum speed. The skilled Master-pilot Ry-Gaul handed the Koro-1 controls back to Skywalker, judging him more capable of executing the evasive maneuvers required. Having honed his skills on Podracers, the subsequent low-altitude flying demanded of Anakin felt natural. Despite the approaching mountains, he maintained his speed, pushing the vehicle further. As the Koro-1 descended rapidly into the Valley, Skywalker circled a peak and plunged into a boulder-strewn canyon, navigating it as if it were a race track, with the three remaining security cruisers in pursuit. While he sensed all obstacles before they appeared, the pursuing speeder-pilots lacked this ability and met their demise. Anakin briefly glanced at his Master, who had turned pale—a reaction he always found amusing. Anakin headed directly for a towering canyon formation, dismissing Kenobi's belief that the Koro-1 Deluxe lacked the maneuverability to execute the maneuver—they would soon know for sure, Skywalker casually replied. At the last possible moment, Anakin forcefully manipulated the controls, but instead of turning, he ascended straight up, causing the speeder's underside to scrape along the formation in space: the screeching sound drowned out all other sounds, including that of the engine. Smoke and flames enveloped them, which Obi-Wan noticed keenly, closing his eyes. In a foolish attempt to replicate the maneuver, the security speeder behind them collided head-on with the rock. After straightening his craft, with all patrol vehicles now disabled, Anakin happily observed that no one in the Koro-1 speeder spoke for a moment. In the intense rush of vertical air, the fire on both wings finally extinguished. Clearing his throat, Obi-Wan finally spoke: "And now, for the difficult part," he stated.