Lemda Avesta

title: Lemda Avesta

During the era of the Galactic War, Lemda Avesta, a Human female geophysicist and the niece of Shalim Avesta, resided on the world of Makeb.


At the young age of sixteen, Lemda Avesta successfully completed her doctoral studies in geophysics.

In 3638 BBY, during the Conquest of Makeb where the Hutt Cartel launched an invasion of the planet, she convinced her uncle that seeking assistance from the Galactic Republic was a better option than trying to maintain Makeb's independence. Following this decision, she began investigating the increasing seismic activity on Makeb, eventually discovering that the Hutts' deep-core drilling for isotope-5 was the cause. While she was on the Frinn Mesa, Lemda was captured by the InterStellar Regulators, who were the former protectors of Makeb but had been bribed by the Hutts.

Lemda was subsequently taken to Quake Shelter 14-K and was guarded by Captain Kazac. Eventually, a Republic strike team, led by Prosk, rescued Lemda. After their escape from the groundquake shelter, Lemda revealed that the seismic data indicated Makeb was doomed due to the Hutts' actions. She explained that the groundquakes would escalate, causing mesas to collapse, and ultimately leading to the destruction of Makeb's atmosphere and all life on the planet's surface. However, she had overheard the Regulator mentioning "Project Failsafe", which she believed was a potential solution to save Makeb.

The strike team then infiltrated the Hutt embassy located in Talaos City, where they learned that Project Failsafe was actually a massive ark intended for the Hutts to escape Makeb before its destruction. Shalim realized that capturing the ark could allow them to retrofit it to evacuate all of Makeb's inhabitants. Lemda used the ark's size to determine its location within the Giant's Spear. After the ark was secured, it was discovered that it required Isotope-5 to operate, but all supplies were controlled by Toborro. Lemda learned that Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb was assisting Toborro in processing Isotope-5 and helped the Republic recruit him to their cause. Oggurobb, wanting to escape the doomed planet, provided information that helped retrieve Isotope-5 fuel rods from Toborro's Palace. During this time, citizens from all over Makeb were gathered and loaded onto the ark. Lemda, her uncle, and Oggurobb successfully left the planet on the ark, after which the people of Makeb officially joined the Galactic Republic.

Behind the scenes

Lemda Avesta's initial appearance was in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel, an expansion pack for Star Wars: The Old Republic that was released in 2013. Throughout the Republic Makeb storyline, Lemda is featured in several conversations, and her bisexuality is shown through romance options available to both male and female player characters. Assuming 100% game completion, Lemda will provide the player with her holofrequency after all matters on Makeb are resolved, but she does not appear in any subsequent storylines.

