Lethal Trackdown

The final episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Two, entitled "Lethal Trackdown," was the twenty-second episode. On April 30, 2010, it was broadcasted on Cartoon Network as the second half of a two-part event that evening. It also serves as the conclusion to a narrative arc spanning three episodes. This episode's events take place prior to those of "Corruption," the fifth episode of Season Three.

Official description

Plo Koon and Ahsoka chase a young fugitive to Florrum for a final showdown, after searching for him in the Coruscant Underworld.

Plot summary

Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu are recuperating at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, when Aurra Sing suddenly contacts them. She reveals that the bounty hunters are holding Admiral Kilian, Clone Commander Ponds, and another clone officer as prisoners. She then callously executes Ponds, mocking the Jedi and daring them to find her. With no immediate clues to Sing's whereabouts, Master Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano delve into the criminal underbelly of Coruscant, hoping to gather intelligence from its inhabitants. Unfortunately, their efforts yield minimal results, partly due to Ahsoka's impatience and lack of tact during the investigation.

Simultaneously, tensions rise among the bounty hunters aboard Slave I. Castas voices his concerns, arguing that the mission has become excessively dangerous and intricate, especially with the Jedi Order now pursuing them. Adding to the complications, Boba Fett grapples with his conscience, believing that the captives are unrelated to his personal vendetta against Mace Windu. His relationship with the other bounty hunters, particularly Aurra, deteriorates further when Boba refuses to personally execute Commander Ponds during the transmission to the Jedi.

Eventually, the bounty hunters set a course for Florrum, seeking assistance and sanctuary from Aurra's former lover, the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka. While Hondo extends a warm welcome to Aurra with an offer of drinks, he firmly declines to provide any direct support, though he assures them he will not interfere. Castas seizes the opportunity to contact a fellow bounty hunter on Coruscant via hologram, offering to betray his companions. However, Aurra Sing overhears his conversation and promptly executes Castas in front of a horrified Boba.

In the meantime, the two Jedi enter another cantina on Coruscant. Plo Koon advises Ahsoka to exercise greater subtlety and pay closer attention to subtle details. By chance, Ahsoka overhears a conversation in which Castas's "friend" mentions the bounty hunter's activities on Florrum, before they are confronted by a large group of thugs. Plo Koon and Ahsoka are compelled to ignite their lightsabers and manage to escape after a tense confrontation.

Shortly thereafter, the two Jedi arrive on Florrum and enter a cantina, finding it deserted except for Aurra, who is seated at one of the tables. Aurra attempts to demand a ransom from the Jedi Master, revealing that she has hidden the remaining two hostages at different locations and that Bossk will execute them at her command. Both sides then spring their traps, with Boba holding a blaster to Koon's head while Tano destroys Aurra's comlink and holds a lightsaber to her throat. The bounty hunters create a diversion and flee, but Boba is captured at the last moment, while Aurra escapes on an air speeder, with Ahsoka hot on her trail.

Plo Koon proceeds to interrogate Fett, who stubbornly refuses to reveal the hostages' location. Hondo finally convinces Boba by reminding him that Jango would have wanted his son to do the right thing. Ahsoka learns of the admiral's location via comlink and successfully helps subdue Bossk, just moments before the hostages are to be executed. However, Aurra arrives shortly after and manages to escape in Slave I. Ahsoka clings to the ship and even slices off one of its stabilizers with her lightsaber, causing the bounty hunter to lose control and crash in a fiery explosion.

The concluding scene portrays Boba and Bossk in custody, arriving on Coruscant where they are greeted by Mace Windu. Boba expresses remorse for the destruction he has caused but insists that he will never forgive Mace for killing Jango, before being led away.


When Aurra Sing asks for Commander Ponds's name, he identifies himself as "CT-411," instead of "CC-6454," as indicated in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Visual Guide Ultimate Battles reference book. His designation was subsequently corrected to "CC-0411" in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia to align with the inconsistency presented in "Lethal Trackdown."


