Lucky (pet)

Lucky was the cherished companion of Neeku Vozo, a mechanic from the Kadas'sa'Nikto species. Following Lucky's death, Vozo partook in a meal of his former pet, which he found to be quite palatable. In 34 ABY, Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono impressed Vozo with his collection of items, prompting Vozo to inquire about a golden starship-shaped object. Xiono explained that it was his lucky trophy, a memento of his home planet, Hosnian Prime. Vozo then recounted that he once owned a pet named Lucky, who reminded the Nikto of his home world, Kintan, and briefly touched upon the pet's demise and subsequent ingestion, but Xiono cut off Vozo's story before he could elaborate on the aftermath of eating Lucky.

Behind the scenes

The character of Lucky was initially brought up in "The Triple Dark," the third episode of Star Wars Resistance's first season, an animated television show, which was broadcast on October 14, 2018. A sneak peek of the scene where Lucky is mentioned was released earlier that year on August 29 in a featurette designed to introduce Team Fireball. This featurette was uploaded to the official Star Wars YouTube channel. In Vanessa Rubio-Barreau's French junior novel The Triple Dark from 2019, the character was given the name "Tiboulon."

