Lump, a droid of the IG-series, functioned as a security measure for the artifact merchant Gamodar residing on Bar'leth. This Ortolan's shop counter was where Lump was affixed by its midsection, equipped with an array of blasters, effectively discouraging potential thieves. In the time preceding the First Battle of Geonosis, Lump observed multiple instances of Jedi Master Sember Vey accompanied by her Padawan Iskat Akaris visiting Gamodar's establishment to barter for relics associated with both the Jedi and the Sith.
Some years after this, Akaris made a return visit alongside the Grand Inquisitor, their purpose being to seize any artifacts that remained. Gamodar initially feigned compliance, only to then activate Lump, directing it against the two Inquisitors, while he sought refuge in the basement storage area. Akaris effortlessly eliminated the droid before descending into the basement and ending Gamodar's life.