Lushros Dofine

Lushros Dofine, a Neimoidian male, held the position of captain aboard the Invisible Hand, a _Providence_-class Dreadnought, during the Battle of Coruscant.


The captain on the bridge of the Invisible Hand.

Captain Dofine, along with his fellow bridge officers, began their service to the Trade Federation on the Invisible Hand when it was under the command of Viceroy Nute Gunray. When General Grievous assumed control of the vessel, Dofine and the existing bridge crew were permitted to remain, although they then received assistance from droids. Under Grievous's leadership, the Invisible Hand became the flagship for the Confederacy navy and participated in numerous engagements throughout the Clone Wars. By 19 BBY, Dofine was still in charge of the Invisible Hand during the Battle of Coruscant.

After Grievous abducted Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the leader of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi boarded the ship to free him. Grievous arrived on the bridge and asked the captain for an update. Dofine reported that they were tracking the Jedi as they advanced through the corridors. When the Guarlara, a Venator-class Star Destroyer, moved alongside the Invisible Hand, Dofine gave the order for all weapon emplacements to target the Republic vessel. During the exchange of fire, the Invisible Hand's artificial gravity system failed, causing the ship to plummet towards Coruscant. As the ship descended, Dofine instructed the battle droids to engage their magnetic functions to prevent them from being thrown around. The Invisible Hand eventually stabilized its descent, righted itself, and restored its artificial gravity.

The captain and the rest of the bridge crew escaping.

After Kenobi and Skywalker successfully rescued Palpatine, the three found themselves trapped within a ray shield and, together with their astromech droid R2-D2, were brought before Grievous on the bridge. The captain observed Grievous and the Jedi exchanging taunts, until R2-D2 disabled the restraints on Skywalker, who then freed Kenobi. Grievous commanded his MagnaGuards to eliminate the Jedi, but the bodyguards were easily defeated. As the Jedi confronted Grievous, the General shattered a viewport using an electrostaff, allowing himself to be pulled out into space to escape. As the safety shutter closed over the broken [transparisteel](/article/transparisteel], the captain, along with his fellow Neimoidian crew members, evacuated the bridge via the escape pods.

Behind the scenes

Lushros Dofine initially appeared as an unnamed character in the opening scenes of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Within the Star Wars Legends narrative, the character's identity was first revealed in the Databank on

