MA-55H, who went by the moniker Mash, was a bounty droid employed by the Haxion Brood criminal organization during the Imperial Era. Back in 9 BBY, this particular droid journeyed to a satellite installation orbiting the Shattered Moon of the planet Koboh, with the intention of locating the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, who had a bounty placed for his capture.
Caij Vanda, a fellow bounty hunter within the Brood, gave Kestis information regarding MA-55H's whereabouts, leading the Jedi to track the droid. Inside the facility's Automated Forge, the bounty droid and another Brood hunter then engaged Kestis in combat, but the Jedi ultimately defeated and killed both of them.
MA-55H was the designation assigned to a bounty droid that served the Haxion Brood crime syndicate throughout the Imperial Era. He acquired the nickname Mash because of his preferred method of disposing of problematic bounties. In 9 BBY, Sorc Tormo, the head of the Haxion Brood, had issued a bounty for the capture of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. Caij Vanda, a Brood bounty hunter, felt the reward was too small, so she came up with a plan to increase it to a level that would make it worth her time.
To accomplish this, she secretly provided MA-55H and other Brood bounty hunters with information on Kestis's location, prompting them to try and hunt down the Jedi. Carrying a holopuck related to Kestis, MA-55H and another hunter traveled to a lunar satellite facility above the Shattered Moon of the planet Koboh shortly after Kestis had been present. The droid then broadcast their location over Brood communication channels, discussing the facility.

Vanda hoped that Kestis would kill Brood bounty hunters, which would encourage Tormo to raise the bounty on his head. She then informed the Jedi about MA-55H's location, claiming the droid was a disgrace to the bounty hunting profession. Vanda had also given Kestis an incentive to kill the hunters by promising to reward him for any holopuck he brought back. Kestis returned to the Shattered Moon and tracked down MA-55H, who attacked the Jedi in the facility's [Automated Forge](/article/automated_forge]. Kestis killed both MA-55H and the other hunter working with the droid, then took the holopuck from MA-55H's body, exchanging it with Vanda for a reward.
MA-55H possessed a vast array of melee weapons and demonstrated a strong inclination towards extreme violence, preferring to "mash" his targets if they proved difficult. The droid was referred to using both he/him and they/them pronouns. He had yellow sensors and armor plating consisting of blue and white colors.
MA-55H made an appearance as an optional boss character in the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, developed by Respawn Entertainment. While defeating MA-55H is not essential to completing the main storyline, it is necessary to unlock the "Caij Match" achievement and trophy, so this article operates under the assumption that Kestis did, in fact, kill the droid.