Magda Keto

Magda Keto, a female Human, jointly governed the Empress Teta system as Queen Mother alongside her brother, Lord Keto. This occurred in the years preceding the Great Sith War. She had a daughter named Aleema Keto, who was in line for the Tetan throne along with Satal, Lord Keto's son. The Keto family were obligated to share authority over the system with commercial entities that managed carbonite mining operations within the Empress Teta system. As time passed, Satal and Aleema Keto, consumed by resentment and with ample time to spare, uncovered the forbidden knowledge of dark side Sith magic. They then established the Krath, an organization with the goal of seizing control of the system from their parents. The Krath launched their attack while Magda Keto and her brother were conducting an inspection of a Tetan carbonite smelter that was orbiting above the planet Empress Teta. Caught off guard, Keto and her brother were easily subdued by Satal and Aleema, who exploited Sith magic to overwhelm their protectors. Subsequently, Magda and Lord Keto were frozen in carbonite by their treacherous offspring, resulting in their deaths. As a macabre display of power, Satal and Aleema displayed the encased bodies of their parents as decorations within the Iron Citadel, their former palace, which now served as the Krath's headquarters.


Approximately four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, Queen Mother Magda Keto, a female Human, co-ruled the Empress Teta system with her brother, Lord Keto. They were descendants of the famed warrior Empress Teta, who had unified the seven worlds of the Koros system a thousand years prior. The Empress Teta system was a significant source of raw carbonite, leading the Ketos to share authority with the commercial entities managing the mines. Magda eventually had a daughter, Aleema. Along with Lord Keto's son, Satal, Aleema was an heir to the Tetan throne. Fueled by resentment and boredom, the younger Ketos formed a darksider group known as the Krath, mastering dark side Sith magic. In 3997 BBY, the Krath initiated a rebellion while Magda and Lord Keto were inspecting a Tetan carbonite smelter orbiting the planet Empress Teta.

While exchanging pleasantries with Bearus, the chairman of the Carbonite Guild, Magda Keto and her brother were interrupted by the arrival of Aleema, Satal, and their royal tutor Korus in a shuttle. Satal and Aleema revealed their dark side abilities by transforming Korus' tongue into an Adegan eel before attacking Magda Keto, her brother, and the mining executives. Lord Keto, to Magda's dismay, ordered his Royal Protectors to arrest Satal and Aleema, stating he had no other option. However, Aleema's Sith illusions overwhelmed the Royal Protectors, leaving Magda Keto and her brother vulnerable. Satal and Aleema led them to a vat of molten carbonite, where they were frozen, resulting in their deaths. The frozen remains of Magda and Lord Keto were then displayed as macabre decorations in their former residence, the Iron Citadel.

Personality and traits

Magda Keto was horrified by her daughter and nephew's assault on the carbonite smelter and their utilization of Sith magic, yet she opposed her brother's order to arrest them. She expressed fear upon witnessing what her daughter had done to Korus, questioning if it was a cruel joke.

Behind the scenes

Magda Keto's initial appearance was in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith, a story arc within the Tales of the Jedi comic book series. Written by Kevin J. Anderson and Tom Veitch, it was released from late 1994 to early 1995. Magda Keto's only appearance was in the first issue of the arc, where she was killed. She was also indirectly mentioned in the second and third issues of Dark Lords of the Sith. Chris Gossett provided the illustration of Keto in her appearance. While Magda Keto was depicted in the comic adaptation of Dark Lords of the Sith, she was omitted from the Dark Lords of the Sith audio drama. In the audio rendition, her lines were reassigned to her brother, Lord Keto. The entry for Magda Keto in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia mistakenly identified Lord Keto as her husband instead of her brother.

