The Marauder assault armor represents a type of protective gear from the armor category, originating with the Sanyassan Marauders of the Forest Moon of Endor. While it provided substantial defense against impacts and projectiles, its resistance to energy weapons, such as blasters, was comparatively weaker. Typically, this armor was constructed from readily available, malleable materials possessing some degree of protective capability. Consequently, its effectiveness fluctuated considerably, contingent on the specific materials employed and the expertise of the armorsmith involved. A standard complete set of this armor consisted of a helmet, chest plate, biceps protectors for both arms, bracers for both arms, gloves, leggings, and boots. It was manufactured in a range of different colors. The Marauder battle armor and Marauder recon armor were two additional variations of Marauder armor that also existed. Beyond its use by the Sanyassan Marauders on Endor, Marauder armors were also utilized by spacers during the period of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, a merchant encountered the Sanyassan Marauder armorer Macchbraus on the Forest Moon of Endor. Macchbraus requested that the trader create bone, composite, Mabari, and padded armors for him. In return, he would teach the trader the techniques for crafting Marauder recon and assault armor.
The Marauder assault armor made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Initially, only non-player characters belonging to the Marauders faction wore the Marauder assault armor in the game's original release. Later, the ability for players to craft and wear the armor was introduced with the release of "Game Update 5," on July 29, 2008.