
The Marillion was a sector patrol cruiser of the Pacifier-class variety. It belonged to the Republic Defense Coalition of the Galactic Republic, and was under the ownership of the world of Alderaan. During the Battle of Kur, the Marillion was part of a Republic force that included four other cruisers of its class, all under the command of Admiral Pevel Kronara. This force engaged the Nihil marauders from Kassav Milliko's Tempest. The Nihil destroyed two Pacifier-class cruisers, the Marillion and the Yekkabird (belonging to Corellia), within the Kur Nebula. A harpoon maneuver resulted in the destruction of one of the cruisers, while the other was destroyed when a Nihil corvette feigned damage, then deployed explosives hidden within escape pods directly into the cruiser.

