Marstrap mintea

Marstrap mintea was a drink that was promoted and available for purchase inside the Grand Arena while the Hunters of the Outer Rim athletic competition was taking place. This variety of mintea had a cost of four credits as listed on the menu at The Restraining Bolt, a place to eat situated on the lower floor of the Mos Espa Waystation, which is one of the Grand Arena's combat zones found on the world of Vespaara. The name of the beverage was partly derived from mintea, a drink enjoyed across the galaxy, including by the Alderaanians residing on Alderaan.

The other part of its name came from the Marstrap family, who were agriculturalists from the arid world of Tatooine, notably Camie Marstrap. Camie was a longtime companion of the famed Jedi Luke Skywalker and the significant other of Laze Loneozner, who had connections to Fixer's Power Units & Astroparts, a business also found within the Mos Espa Waystation battle arena.

