The medical tower, also known as the medical and science research tower, formed part of the Starlight Beacon space station of the Galactic Republic, specifically housing the station's medcenter. This tower was designed to independently sustain life, even for those requiring medical attention, for a limited duration separate from the rest of Starlight Beacon. Inside, one could find an admissions area with a receiving area, beds for patient care, and a complement of pill droids that could recharge there. It was well-supplied with both medical necessities and food rations, and further equipped with medical shuttles and hovergurneys. Humanoid medical personnel, including medics, also staffed the tower. Individuals journeyed to Starlight Beacon from across the distant Outer Rim to receive medical treatment, particularly during the Nihil's assaults on nearby worlds.
Following the Nihil's attack on Starlight Beacon, which resulted in it being split into two sections, the medical tower remained connected to the lower portion of the station. However, the blast and resulting emergency air lock closures cut off standard routes into the tower from the main station. The tower's power was reduced to emergency levels and communications were severed. A medical cruiser from the nearby planet of Eiram arrived, but lacked a means to dock or communicate. Padawans Bell Zettifar and Burryaga Agaburry gained entry to the main station through a maintenance shaft, but this was not a feasible way to move patients to the cargo bay for evacuation from the damaged Starlight Beacon.
Zettifar conceived a strategy to separate the medical tower and repurpose its internal air locks as a provisional docking area. He initiated a controlled explosion at the weakest point connecting it to the main station, securing three air locks between himself and the blast. Once the tower was successfully detached, the medical cruiser was able to utilize its tractor beam to dock with the now-detached tower, enabling the transfer of all patients to the cruiser.