Ilyana crafted a necklace for Merrin, a gold, tooth-resembling piece of jewelry. Both girls belonged to the Dathomirian Nightsisters and were part of Mother Talzin's clan. This necklace was Ilyana's way of expressing gratitude for Merrin's attentive care during her recovery from an injury. During a massacre in 20 BBY, General Grievous and his droid army killed Ilyana and the other Nightsisters, but Merrin survived. Merrin made sure to wear it every day in the years that followed.
Ilyana, who loved Merrin, a Dathomirian Nightsister from Mother Talzin's clan, created a necklace specifically for her. Merrin likened the necklace's appearance to the exposed teeth of a predator cornering its prey. Constructed from substantial [gold](/article/gold] "teeth" strung together on a beaded chain, it formed a crescent shape that rested against her clavicles. The central element featured a triangular tooth overlapping three kite-shaped teeth, flanked on each side by a small and medium triangle. The [metal](/article/metal] possessed the ability to deflect a [blaster](/article/blaster] bolt, although it would become hot upon impact.
The two Nightsisters lived on their homeworld, Dathomir. After Ilyana suffered an injury, she experienced a challenging recovery period during which Merrin provided her with care. Despite her lingering weakness, Ilyana crafted the necklace as a silent demonstration of her thankfulness while Merrin observed, and then she pressed it into Merrin's hands with a kiss. Ilyana instructed Merrin to always keep it with her as a reminder of their bond.
The Nightsisters endured a portion of the Clone Wars, which commenced in 22 BBY. However, in 20 BBY, General Grievous and his droid army massacred the Nightsisters under the orders of Separatist leader Count [Dooku](/article/dooku], resulting in Ilyana's death. Merrin survived, but she was compelled to bury Ilyana and eventually departed Dathomir to become a member of the Stinger Mantis's crew. The surviving Nightsister wore her necklace every day, a constant reminder of the pain and abrupt end that can accompany trust and love. Sometime between 12 and 12 BBY, its teeth were still sharp, and its weight against her chest sometimes triggered unwelcome memories of her first kiss. During the Stinger Mantis crew's mission outside Murkhana City, the necklace shielded Merrin when a Purge Trooper commander targeted her chest with a blaster bolt.