
Meru, sometimes referred to as Old Meru, was a female cyborg proprietor. She operated a business known as Old Meru's, situated on the desert planet of Jakku. Possessing an aversion to people, she strictly forbade inquiries regarding her tattoos within her establishment. The scavenger Rey encountered Meru and subsequently documented their interaction in a survival guide.


Meru ran Old Meru's on Jakku.

The cybernetic owner of Old Meru's, also called Meru or Old Meru, ran her establishment from an aged shack positioned along the Pilgrim's Road within Jakku's desert landscape. The planet shack, equipped with tables, chairs, and a water trough for both happabores and passing travelers, served as a rest stop. The scavenger Rey once visited the shack, managing to sketch two of the tattoos adorning Meru's arm unnoticed.

She also observed an individual harassing Meru, which prompted the cyborg to retrieve an exceptionally large weapon from inside the shack. She silenced the patrons by deactivating the safety. By 34 ABY, Rey had included Meru in her survival guide, complete with copies of her tattoos. She speculated whether the shack owner had served with the Galactic Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or a mercenary group, but cautioned readers against asking.

Personality and traits

After acquiring her extensive [cybernetics](/article/cybernetics], Meru, who was mostly machine, experienced a decline in her conversational abilities. Displaying a general dislike for people, especially the inquisitive, she would eject anyone caught staring at the military-themed tattoos on her remaining organic blood arm. Among these tattoos were depictions of an Imperial Star Destroyer, four TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, and a trio of crossed, staff-like weapons. Meru never revealed the circumstances that led her to Jakku.


Meru possessed a substantial firearm.

Behind the scenes

Meru's initial mention occurred in Rey's Survival Guide, a 2015 replica journal authored by Jason Fry.

