Pilgrim's Road

The Pilgrim's Road was a name used by the inhabitants of Niima Outpost to describe a former path used by happabores. This path traversed the Goazon Badlands, a region found on the desert planet of Jakku. By traveling this road through the Badlands, one could reach the Sacred Villages past Kelvin Ravine, an area bordering the Goazon. Along the route, the only notable locations were Old Meru's, a watering hole, and a stone pillar near the Carbon Ridge inhabited by the individual known as the Sitter. Approximately thirty years following the Battle of Endor, the scavenger Rey documented the road in a survival guide she created. She included a picture and observed that she had only ever witnessed other scavengers utilizing the road to access the Graveyard of Ships, and never actual pilgrims.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of the Pilgrim's Road occurred in Rey's Survival Guide. This replica journal was penned by Jason Fry and featured illustrations by Andrew Barthelmes; it was made available in 2015.

