Mission to Dosuun

The operation on Dosuun was executed by Jaden Korr against the Disciples of Ragnos, who were a Sith cult, in the year 14 ABY amidst the Disciples of Ragnos crisis. This was a response to the potential ongoing communications between the Imperial Remnant and the cult.


The New Republic Intelligence Service intercepted several unusual transmissions originating from the Dosuun system, leading them to suspect the presence of the Disciples of Ragnos there. Given the absence of New Republic fleets in the vicinity, they sought assistance from the New Jedi Order to conduct an investigation. Jaden Korr was assigned to undertake this mission.

The mission

The Imperial base on Dosuun

Upon landing on Dosuun, Korr was ambushed, relieved of his weapons, and taken prisoner by a unit of camouflaged Imperial Saboteurs wielding disruptor rifles. Rax Joris, the commanding Imperial officer, informed Korr that life on Dosuun could become "dreadfully dull", and that he was "up for a bit of sport". He then gave the order to release Korr from his confinement, informing him that he was free to leave, provided he could reach his ship.

Korr, now without his lightsaber, seized the opportunity to break free. In addition to utilizing the Force, he also armed himself with any available weaponry, using them to engage the Imperials. He even commandeered an All Terrain Scout Transport, employing it to fire upon his adversaries. During his escape, Joris, armed with a concussion rifle, attempted to surprise him with a shot, but Korr successfully evaded or used Force push to deflect the incoming blasts.

When Korr finally arrived at the hangar where his Z-95 Headhunter was located, Joris was waiting on the upper level, firing at him with his concussion rifle. Korr dodged the blasts and fought his way to the top to confront Joris. Joris, unable to effectively use his concussion rifle at close quarters, was quickly overcome and killed by Korr, who then recovered his lightsaber and made his escape.

Shortly thereafter, the New Republic dispatched troops to Dosuun to eliminate Joris' operations.

Behind the scenes

In the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, it is indeed possible for players to reach the specific area where Korr initially landed on Dosuun.

Furthermore, Joris can be eliminated with ranged weaponry, such as a disruptor rifle, from the hangar bay's ground level, without the need to ascend to the top level.

