Mission to the Oppressor

During the year 3643 BBY, amidst the Cold War that raged between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Jedi Master Orgus Din slipped aboard the Oppressor, a warship under the command of Sith Lord Darth Angral. This occurred near the edge of the Alderaan system. Din's objective was to eliminate the Sith leader, who had initiated warfare against the Republic due to the death of his son, Tarnis, at the hands of Din's one-time apprentice. However, Jedi Din was apprehended by the starship's security personnel and presented before Angral. The Sith Lord then executed the Jedi, broadcasting this event live across the HoloNet, before ejecting Din's remains into space. Following this, Angral departed the star system. Prior to his demise, however, Din managed to attach a homing beacon to the Oppressor, which subsequently enabled the Republic to track the vessel to the Uphrades system.


Back in 3643 BBY, as the Cold War persisted between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Sith Lord Tarnis met his end during a duel with a young Jedi Knight on Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet. Darth Angral, Tarnis's father, witnessed his son's demise and, in retaliation, the elder Sith declared war on both the Republic and the Jedi Order. He exploited intelligence about the Republic superweapon initiative that his son—who had been working undercover as a Republic scientist before his death—had provided, thereby gaining control over the Republic's superweapon projects. One such project was the Death Mark laser, under development on Alderaan, which Angral's apprentice Nefarid managed to seize despite the efforts of Jedi Master Orgus Din to defend it.

Din formerly taught the Jedi Knight responsible for Tarnis's death. After the former student rescued the Jedi Master from the remains of the Mensaav Military Laboratory—the research facility housing the Death Mark laser project—the two Jedi discovered Nefarid was indiscriminately targeting Alderaanians with the Death Mark laser. The Imperial spy Aleyna Hark had been spotted near the mountain compound of Duke Horis Thul, an Alderaanian noble. While the Knight hurried to the compound to thwart Thul's assassination, Din claimed he would track down Nefarid and the Death Mark laser. However, Din was not truthful. Guided by the Force, he located Angral's warship, the Oppressor, near the Alderaan system's edge.

The mission

The Oppressor

Determined to halt Angral's actions, Din made preparations to board the Oppressor and confront the Sith. When his former apprentice contacted him, Din revealed his true intentions and wished the Knight success in facing Nefarid at the Sith's stronghold. Din managed to infiltrate the Oppressor before it could exit the star system, but he was only able to attach a homing beacon to the starship before the vessel's security forces discovered him. Wounded, the Jedi Master was brought before Angral on the ship's bridge, where the Sith Lord proceeded to broadcast the unfolding events across the entire HoloNet. Din's former apprentice had just attacked Nefarid's base on Alderaan, and the Sith chose to display the feed from the Oppressor to torment his adversary. Upon being presented with Din, with whom Angral had maintained a rivalry since the conclusion of the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Empire nearly a decade prior, the Sith Lord mocked Din's attempt and inquired if he was prepared to die. Angral then stabbed the Jedi through his abdomen, resulting in his death.


Before leaving the Alderaan system, Angral gave the order for Din's body to be launched into space. However, a Republic shuttle later recovered the Jedi Master's remains and returned them to Tython, the Jedi homeworld, for proper burial. Despite witnessing Din's death, the Knight prevailed against Nefarid and destroyed the Death Mark laser. Angral subsequently traveled to the Uphrades system, where he deployed his newly built Desolator superweapon to attack Uphrades, a Republic agriworld. This resulted in the deaths of millions of civilians. General Var Suthra of the Republic Military utilized Din's tracking beacon to pinpoint the Oppressor's location. Din's former student, however, was unable to confront Angral until the Sith launched an attack on Tython itself, leading to a final confrontation with the young Jedi.

Behind the scenes

The mission of Orgus Din to the Oppressor was initially featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed by BioWare and released by LucasArts in 2011. During the Jedi Knight class mission titled "Facing Lord Nefarid," players witness Din's demise before engaging in combat with Nefarid in his stronghold.

