Mysess blossom

Mysess blossoms were a variety of flowering plant that grew within the Skydome Botanical Gardens located in Galactic City on the planet of Coruscant. The Mysess blossoms within the gardens were observed to be in full bloom circa 9 ABY. A taxi droid transporting Doctor Penn Pershing from the Galaxies Opera House to Amnesty Housing on Coruscant recommended that the doctor, who was unfamiliar with Coruscant, should visit the gardens to see the beautiful blossoms in bloom.

Behind the scenes

Within established Star Wars canon, the mention of Mysess blossoms occurs in "Chapter 19: The Convert," the third episode of The Mandalorian's third season on the Disney+ streaming service, which was initially broadcast on March 15, 2023. The plant's initial appearance was in the Star Wars Legends timeline, specifically in Rage of the Wookiees, which served as the second expansion pack for Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and released on May 5, 2005.

