Naboo airbase

The airbase on Naboo served as a crucial location for the Royal Naboo Security Forces during the Trade Federation's invasion of their home planet in 32 BBY. Positioned close to the southern ridge of Theed, the capital city, it included a security hangar along with various other structures. During the later stages of the invasion, the airbase was attacked.


The Royal Naboo Security Forces established this base, which subsequently became a component of the resistance movement during 32 BBY. It was situated on a cliff close to the southern ridge of Naboo's capital city, Theed. Widow's Valley and Rasker Hill were located in the vicinity. A bridge provided access to the base from the lower plains. The defining feature of the base was its security hangar, accompanied by a barracks and two smaller adjacent buildings.


During the Invasion of Naboo, the Naboo Security Forces convened with the Queen with the objective of reclaiming their planet. During this assembly, they devised a strategy to retake the planet. The plan involved the Security Forces infiltrating Theed while the Gungan Grand Army engaged the Trade Federation Droid Army. The Trade Federation dispatched three Army units to eliminate the Gungans. Army C advanced near the base, resulting in an assault on the base. Palmer, a Naboo officer stationed at the base, issued a request for assistance. Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes received her plea and proceeded to confront the droid Armored Assault Tanks. Sykes successfully destroyed the Federation laser cannons obstructing the bridge and neutralized the two tanks. Subsequently, acting on the orders of Captain Quarsh Panaka, the highest-ranking Naboo officer, he entered the base's hangar. Sykes then piloted an experimental bomber, which he employed to impede Army C's progress in Widow's Valley, thereby contributing to the ultimate victory. At that time, the base housed two N-1 starfighters and a Flash speeder.

Behind the scenes

The base is featured in the 2000 Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo video game. Saving the base is a prerequisite before acquiring the bomber and initiating the attack on the convoy. The mission will fail if any of the buildings are destroyed.

