Battle of the south ridge

A skirmish unfolded close to the south ridge of Theed, which serves as the capital of the planet Naboo. This event transpired in the year 32 BBY as part of the Trade Federation's invasion of the same planet, an action triggered by a trade dispute. The confrontation occurred shortly after Queen Amidala of Naboo, along with her security chief, Captain Quarsh Panaka, made their way back to Naboo. They then assembled local resistance leaders, briefing them on their strategy to reclaim their world from the Trade Federation Droid Army. Droid units launched an assault on members of the Royal Naboo Security Forces in the vicinity of Rasker Hill. However, these droid forces were repelled by Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, a member of Bravo Squadron of Naboo; his prompt response averted damage to adjacent farms. Panaka then engaged with Sykes and directed him to secure the south ridge.

Soon after, Sykes detected a substantial Trade Federation convoy getting ready to move out to execute flanking maneuvers on the Great Grass Plains against the Gungan Grand Army. Subsequently, he answered a distress signal originating from Palmer, a fellow pilot, who was stationed at the Naboo airbase. After Sykes neutralized the Armored Assault Tanks, droid bombers, and laser turrets that posed a threat to the airbase, Panaka instructed him to use a bomber to intercept the convoy. During his offensive against the convoy, Sykes also brought about the destruction of the Trade Federation Airbase. He successfully impeded the progress of the convoy's tanks and Multi-Troop Transports within Widow's Valley, giving Panaka the opportunity to place explosives on a bridge that lay in the convoy's path. When the explosives failed to detonate, Sykes resorted to bombing the bridge, thereby obliterating the remainder of the convoy.


In the year 32 BBY, Queen Amidala of Naboo made her way back to her homeworld of Naboo, having previously fled the Trade Federation's planetary invasion. While she was away, the Royal Naboo Security Forces had been engaged in a hard-fought struggle against the Trade Federation Droid Army, and her return served to galvanize them. With her direction, the Naboo Resistance devised a plan to put an end to the enemy's occupation of their planet. To achieve this, Amidala assembled as many resistance officers as possible and enlisted the support of the Gungans, who represent Naboo's other significant species. The Gungans consented to act as a diversion for the Queen's strategy, and they gathered their Grand Army in preparation for the planned assault on the Federation's forces. The Trade Federation took note of the Gungan forces massing in the swamps near Theed, the capital city of Naboo, and dispatched its own army with the intention of eradicating the insurgency before it could jeopardize their interests. Following their successful engagements, the resistance cell, under the leadership of Gavyn Sykes, a pilot from Naboo's Bravo Squadron, joined Amidala at the south ridge of Theed.

The Conflict

The Assembly

Sykes in a Gian speeder attacking Federation STAPs near Rasker Hill

Following the Queen's meeting with the Gungans, Captain Quarsh Panaka transmitted a message via the Royal Security Forces' encrypted emergency frequency, instructing all officers who received it to convene at Rasker Hill, which is situated near the south ridge. Lieutenant Sykes, piloting a Gian speeder, along with other members of his resistance cell in a Seraph-class speeder, received this communication. Shortly thereafter, Panaka found himself under attack and relayed this information to the approaching reinforcements via comlink.

Trade Federation Single Trooper Aerial Platforms (STAPs) and a pair of droid starfighters commenced an assault on civilians and resistance fighters located at the south ridge. Sykes's resistance cell linked up with Panaka, who was also in a Gian speeder, to fend off the Trade Federation's forces. After the initial wave of STAPs was destroyed, another small group of STAPs materialized near Rasker Hill and were swiftly taken out by the Naboo fighters. The resistance's rapid response prevented the destruction of nearby farms, although some farms did incur damage.

Subsequently, the three Naboo speeders converged at the summit of Rasker Hill, where Panaka commended Sykes's training and outlined the strategy by which the Naboo forces intended to liberate the planet. He directed Sykes to position his forces to guard the rear entrance of Theed in preparation for the forthcoming battle, and then to follow the Captain's lead. Sykes, in turn, instructed the third speeder to proceed to the south ridge. Panaka and Sykes drove off Rasker Hill and parked close by, with Panaka dismounting to continue his briefing. He reminded Sykes to contact him via the encrypted secure emergency frequency if any issues arose and wished the Lieutenant well. As Sykes departed to carry out the Captain's orders, he pledged to provide cover for the Captain.

South Ridge

Sykes engaging Federation tanks at the resistance camp

In the meantime, a substantial Trade Federation convoy, identified as Army C, had entered the south ridge, heading toward the Great Grass Plains to engage the Gungan Grand Army in a flanking maneuver. Upon reaching the area, Sykes contacted Panaka to inform him that the south ridge had been compromised. Panaka then instructed Sykes to gather his forces to intercept the convoy. Sykes, still piloting his Gian speeder, gave chase to the convoy, but a collapsing pillar came down on a trailing Trade Federation Armored Assault Tank (AAT), obstructing his path. Simultaneously, the Trade Federation launched an attack on the Naboo soldiers stationed at the south ridge itself. A soldier named Palmer contacted Sykes to inform him of the attack. As a pair of droid bombers and a contingent of AATs advanced toward the Naboo airbase, Sykes sped off to provide assistance. En route, he destroyed two static laser turrets and shot down the bombers. By this point, the AATs had reached the base. When Palmer radioed again, Sykes responded that he was on his way. He then moved in and defended the base from the attacking AATs, preventing significant casualties. Two N-1 starfighters and a Seraph-class speeder were present at the base at that time. Panaka ordered Sykes to switch vehicles at the base's hangar to halt the convoy, and Sykes chose an experimental bomber for the assault.

Sykes approached the convoy after airborne mines and starfighter cover that were placed in its path failed to stop it. He released proton bombs on three staging areas, inflicting considerable damage on the Federation forces. The Trade Federation Airbase was, meanwhile, preparing to launch an attack, which Panaka alerted him to. Sykes flew in to destroy the base, dedicating its destruction to his Queen. Despite the staging areas being compromised, he still had to contend with the convoy's remaining Multi-Troop Transports and tanks, which were still advancing toward their target. As he and the convoy entered Widow's Valley, Palmer cautioned him to be wary of the valley's unstable pillars. To further delay the convoy, Sykes began to topple the pillars. Laser turrets positioned near the Federation installations and within the valley fired upon Sykes, who retaliated by launching a proton bomb. As Sykes flew into Widow's Valley, Panaka informed him that they had identified a bridge ahead of the convoy and were planning to destroy it. As the convoy approached the bridge, which spanned a canyon, a Naboo speeder dropped off thermal detonators, but they failed to detonate. Just before the convoy reached the end of the bridge, Sykes released one of his bombs onto the bridge, triggering a massive explosion that consumed the remainder of the convoy.

With the convoy neutralized, Panaka once again commended Sykes and instructed him to report to Theed, where a speeder awaited him.

The Aftermath

With the destruction of the Trade Federation Droid Army's flanking force in the area, the Gungans were able to withstand the assault long enough for the Queen to enter Theed and launch her N-1 starfighters to destroy the Federation's Droid Control Ship above Naboo. Following the destruction of the convoy, Sykes joined the battle to reclaim Theed, leading diversionary forces before taking to the skies in an N-1. In space, his actions enabled the young pilot Anakin Skywalker to destroy the Federation battleship from within. The destruction of the Droid Control Ship deactivated the Trade Federation Army and brought an end to the invasion after Amidala and the Security Forces also captured Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray in Theed.

Behind the Curtains

The skirmish at the south ridge is featured in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo, developed by Factor 5 and LucasArts. This mission marks the introduction of the Naboo bomber into Star Wars canon. The player, assuming the role of Sykes, has several options for completing the mission. The convoy can be destroyed outright, or its progress can be slowed by toppling the pillars. If the player waits for Panaka's bomb, it automatically fails to detonate and can be triggered by a bomb or laser fire. If the player bombs the bridge without hitting the explosives, Palmer will criticize the player, stating that it will not work. If the player destroys the bridge, this action triggers a glitch where the bridge is destroyed but the convoy drives over it as if it were still intact, resulting in mission failure.

Furthermore, the mission cannot be completed if the convoy reaches the far side of the bridge for any other reason, as this allows the convoy to outflank the Naboo forces. The player can also fail the mission if any of the Naboo airbase's buildings are destroyed. Civilian casualties during the initial phase of the mission do not affect the outcome. The Gian speeder and the Naboo bomber are the default vehicles for the mission, but subsequent playthroughs can be undertaken using other ground and air vehicles.

There exists a discrepancy regarding the convoy's destination. Star Wars: Battle for Naboo suggests that the convoy is heading toward Theed, but the 2003 reference book The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels establishes that Army C is a flanking force intended for the Battle of Grassy Plains. This article adheres to the latter source.

Storyboards for the mission's concluding cutscene, created by artist James Zhang, were included in the 2008 reference book Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts.

