Nabooian whiskey

Nabooian whiskey was a type of whiskey originating from the planet Naboo, characterized by its amber-colored hue. Magé, the Imperial Governor, stored a bottle of this whiskey in her office, located within the Imperial headquarters on Allst Prime. During the Alliance to Restore the Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry's assault on the planet's Imperial outpost, Micha Evon, the unit's commander, discovered the whiskey subsequent to the governor being stunned by Brand, a Rebel soldier. Evon poured a glass for himself and Brand. However, he noticed his subordinate pointing a blaster at him, planning to collect the bounty placed on his head. Evon, leaving Brand's whiskey on the governor's desk, savored his own glass while narrating his knowledge of Brand's past. Subsequently, he convinced her to remain with the Rebels rather than pursue the bounty. Once persuaded, Brand grabbed her whiskey and consumed it entirely in a single swallow. Evon then refilled their glasses and proposed a toast to her official induction into the Alliance.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Nabooian whiskey occurred in the short story "Inbrief," penned by Janine K. Spendlove and featured in Star Wars Insider 161 in the year 2015.

