Nadrin Tro, a Neimoidian male scientist, served the reconstituted Sith Empire during the time of the Galactic War. His work within the New Thinking Division involved him directly in the scheme to secure Isotope-5 for the Empire's military forces during the Conquest of Makeb.
As a member of the Imperial Science Bureau, Nadrin joined Katha Niar's team that infiltrated Makeb's Gravity Hook Seven with the intention of procuring Isotope-5. After Solida Hesk revealed the location where the isotope was stored, the team made the decision to assault Stronghold One, a fortress built to serve as a planetary vault. To gain entry without being detected, Nadrin proposed using explosives near the Volcanic mesa to simulate a groundquake. The team, led by Sith Lord Cytharat, successfully entered and defeated the Hutt enforcer Vorjok. However, they discovered that all the mined isotope had been transformed into Isotope-5 droids. Facing difficulty even against a single droid, the team found themselves confronted by many more activating, and they sought Nadrin's advice. After consulting with the Imperial Science Bureau Geo-Engineering Corps, Nadrin devised a strategy to disable the facility's shield and inundate the droids with lava. The plan succeeded, but Sergeant Tabrex and Lord Cytharat lost their lives in the process.
Now tasked with preventing Makeb's destruction caused by instabilities within its planetary core, the team moved to the Drill Site Control Center. Nadrin consulted with scientists from the Taris Engineering Post, the Quesh Geo-survey Station, and the Special Energy Project Center. Together, they conceived a daring plan: to use the drilling platforms to accelerate the planet's destruction, allowing the core to stabilize into a new equilibrium and ultimately save the planet. After rescuing local engineers to operate the drilling platforms, the team proceeded to capture the three mining platforms located on the Cartel mining mesa. With all three platforms secured, the drills were activated, targeting the core and triggering significant tectonic and volcanic activity across the planet. Despite the chaos, the plan achieved its objective, and the core reached a stable equilibrium.
Nadrin played a crucial role in the operation, preventing the collapse of entire continents and monitoring the release of hazardous underground toxins. Although the Archon Szajin launched a counterattack against the Imperial team, resulting in Katha Niar's death, Nadrin survived. He later reported to Darth Marr that the core had reached a safe equilibrium and that he was in the process of finalizing the isotope-5 extraction methods.