
Cytharat, a male Sith Lord with pureblood Sith lineage, served the reconstituted Sith Empire during the tumultuous era of the Galactic War.


Darth Malgus personally selected Cytharat from the ranks of the Sith Academy. Despite Malgus's later betrayal of the Empire, Cytharat remained loyal, endeavoring to redeem himself for his former master's actions through unwavering service. In 3638 BBY, during the Empire's campaign against the Hutt Cartel on Makeb, Cytharat acted as a tactical advisor. He supported the team dispatched by Dark Council member Darth Marr to secure the planet's vital isotope-5 reserves. Following the ground team's capture of Gravity Hook Seven, Cytharat, along with team leader Katha Niar and Captain Hanthor, arrived at the orbital docking ring.

Upon discovering the Hutts' isotope-5 stockpile within the fortress known as "Stronghold One," the ground team prepared to seize the vault. Cytharat led supporting troops to prevent reinforcements from the InterStellar Regulators. However, the vault was empty; Archon Szajin had deployed the isotope in an army of war droids. Overwhelmed, the ground team retreated. Nadrin Tro, a scientist from the New Thinking Division, provided Cytharat's team with schematics for the stronghold's heat shields, proposing a plan to flood the vault with magma. Cytharat and the ground team would collaborate to disable the shields, knowing it would cost Cytharat and his men their lives.

Ultimately, the ground team implemented Nadrin's plan. Cytharat, accepting his duty, sacrificed himself. Surrounded by isotope-5 war droids, he lowered the heat shield and unleashed magma into the security center, destroying the droids along with himself and his team.

Personality and traits

Cytharat's final moments

Cytharat's Sith blood manifested in distinctly non-Human features: glowing yellow eyes, crimson skin, prominent cheekbones, and tendrils extending from his chin and temples. He maintained short, slicked-back raven black hair and wore golden jewelry on his nose. Notably, his hands possessed five fingers, unlike the three fingers of the now-extinct pure Sith.

Cytharat displayed unwavering devotion to the Empire and his superiors, disapproving of Malgus's betrayal despite being his former protégé. He was not only dependable, but also a skilled tactician, maintaining composure even in dire circumstances. Regarding his romantic interests, Cytharat was exclusively attracted to men.

Behind the scenes

Cytharat's debut occurred in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel, a digital expansion for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic released in 2013.

Cytharat's fate hinges on the player's dialogue choices; this article assumes the dark side option as canon. The alternative light side path involves ordering Cytharat to rendezvous at the security station. He and his men survive, albeit wounded, and are sent back to Dromund Kaas to recover. Following the defeat of the Archon in "Revenge of the Archon," Captain Hanthor informs Darth Marr that Cytharat is recovering and will soon return from Dromund Kaas.

With the release of Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Cytharat became the first male same-sex romance option in the series, albeit within a storyline confined to Makeb. He is presented as a gay man, with only male player characters able to pursue a romantic relationship with him. The flirtation culminates in a kiss only if the light side option is chosen and Cytharat survives.

