Narmn, a Twi'lek of the male persuasion, hailed from Ryloth and possessed green skin. He lived in an isolated village where he served as a guard. Narmn was there when Drua, another resident of the village, greeted Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, and Erstin Deez upon their arrival. The Twi'leks were ignorant to the true nature of the three visitors, not realizing they were Imperials. Sidious and Vader disguised their identities using Sith tongue, with Sidious's alias translating to "death" and Vader's to "fate." The Sith Lords were secretly carrying out a mission to suppress the Free Ryloth Movement, a fact unknown to Narmn and the other villagers. They soon found themselves witnessing a battle between the Imperials and the rebels. In order to eliminate any potential witnesses to what had occurred, Galactic Emperor Sidious ordered Vader to execute all the villagers, which meant Narmn was also killed.