Drua's Village

Drua's Village, situated on the planet Ryloth, was just one of many isolated communities. It was in this village, during 14 BBY, that the Twi'lek girl named Drua greeted Emperor Sheev Palpatine, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, and the Royal Guardsman Erstin Deez. Little did she know, these individuals were Imperials on a mission to Ryloth.

Vader theorized that Drua's Village, along with other isolated settlements across Ryloth, originated from either refugees displaced by the Clone Wars or slaves who had escaped from mining operations. Drua shared with the visiting Imperials that her village was home to 38 people, among whom were Naria and her unborn child. Approximately two years earlier, Drua's mother had also resided in the village before her passing.

Following a conflict between the Imperial forces and the Free Ryloth Movement that took place within the village, the Emperor ordered Vader to execute all of the villagers, including Drua, her grandfather, Mala, the expectant Naria, and Narmn, an order which Vader carried out.

