
As a resident of Ryloth, Drua was a female Twi'lek who made her home in a secluded village settlement, where she lived with her grandfather. Approximately five years after the conclusion of the galactic war known as the Clone Wars, Drua stumbled upon the Emperor Darth Sidious and his Sith apprentice Darth Vader as they emerged from the lylek caves on Ryloth. Oblivious to their true identities or the ongoing skirmish unfolding on Ryloth, Drua extended a welcoming hand to the two Sith Lords and the Royal Guard Erstin Deez, inviting them to her village. Subsequently, the Free Ryloth Movement launched an attack on the Imperial trio. Seeking refuge from the assault, Drua, her grandfather, and the rest of the villagers sought shelter in a nearby mining shelter. However, the Emperor, viewing them as potential witnesses, instructed Vader to kill the Twi'lek villagers, including Drua, once the Free Ryloth movement had been subdued.


Drua lived on the planet Ryloth, in a remote village that lacked contact with the world outside it.

Ryloth, the planet of origin for the Twi'leks, was Drua's homeworld. Her father was never a part of her life, and her mother met her death around three years following the end of the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars. She resided with her grandfather within a secluded village settlement. This village had been established in the wilderness by Twi'leks who had once escaped the bonds of mining slavery and may have been refugees fleeing the Clone Wars.

Approximately five years following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, which marked the rise of the Galactic Empire, Drua was in the forests close to her village, inspecting hunting traps, when she detected a nearby explosion from the caves. Investigating, she encountered the Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious, his Sith apprentice Darth Vader, and the Royal Guard Erstin Deez emerging from a cavern's tunnel. The trio had just eradicated a lylek hive inside the caves, but Drua was unaware of this, as she and her village were isolated from the outside world. Instead, Drua speculated that the trio had either crashed in a starship or were simply lost and in need of assistance.

The Emperor attempted to eliminate Drua by using a mind trick with the Force to compel her to approach him, intending to strike her down with his lightsaber. However, Vader intervened, preemptively blocking his [Sith Master](/article/sith_master]'s attack, preventing the blade from harming the Twi'lek. While Drua was still in a daze due to the Emperor's mind trick, Vader suggested that her village could be useful to them, as they had been using the caves to evade members of the Free Ryloth Movement who were seeking to assassinate them. The Emperor concurred and commanded Drua to guide them to her village.

As they journeyed through the forest, Drua shared aspects of her personal life with the Emperor. They traversed hills and a quarry before reaching the village. At the base of the quarry, Drua introduced the trio to Narmn, who guarded the village's outskirts. The Emperor introduced himself and Vader as "Krataa" and "Irluuk," which translated to "death" and "fate" in ancient Sith tongue, while Deez was presented as Sergeant, his officer rank. Narmn, like Drua, welcomed the three into their village, in accordance with their customs.

Drua was oblivious to Sidious and Vader's Sith identities. In the end, the Twi'lek and her village were all wiped out by the Sith Lords.

Within the village, Drua introduced the Emperor, Vader, and Deez to the other villagers, including her grandfather, Mala, and the pregnant Naria. The villagers celebrated their guests with music and food. As the Twi'leks gathered with the Imperials, the Emperor requested that Drua bring Vader the village's broken communicator for repair. Vader promptly fixed it, impressing Drua. With communications restored for the Empire, which had been disrupted by the Free Ryloth rebels, Deez contacted the Ryloth Moff Delian Mors to arrange a rendezvous with her forces.

The village celebrations were abruptly interrupted by a barrage of blaster bolts that grazed the buildings and ignited some of them with fire. These were warning shots from Cham Syndulla and his Free Ryloth movement, who had finally located the Emperor's group and intended to avoid harming the villagers. As the villagers fled into the nearby mining tunnels, their fortified hideout, Drua attempted to bring the trio with her by tugging on Vader's cape. However, the Emperor refused and instead ordered Vader to eliminate the rebels while Deez remained by his side. Vader pushed Drua away, which angered her, before she joined her village in the tunnels.

During the ensuing skirmish, Drua and her fellow villagers witnessed Vader strike down numerous members of the Free Ryloth movement before ultimately defeating them. After the battle, Vader executed one of the movement's leaders, a Twi'lek named Isval. The Emperor then informed his apprentice that Drua and her people were living witnesses to what had transpired and had to be eliminated. Vader complied and entered the tunnels alone, where he slaughtered all of the villagers, including Drua.

Personality and traits

Drua possessed a curious nature, evident in her active pursuit of the source of the explosion near the lylek caves before encountering Darth Vader and the Emperor. She also adhered to Twi'lek customs by welcoming the Imperial strangers to her village, unaware of their true identities, which demonstrated her naivety. This was a result of her village's isolation and lack of communication with the outside world. Similarly, Drua was unable to resist the persuasive Force powers of the Emperor when he compelled her mind to obey him, remaining without thought even as he and Vader dueled before her.

Physically, Drua possessed the distinctive lekku of a Twi'lek and green-colored skin. At the time of her death, Drua appeared to be an adolescent and had a noticeable accent when speaking in Galactic Basic Standard. She also spoke and understood her native tongue, Ryl.


Drua wore a parka to protect herself from the constant rain or wind of Ryloth and carried a backpack for her gear, along with a lylek tube, a wooden sound instrument used to deter lyleks. She also carried a holstered blaster pistol from the bygone Clone Wars.

Behind the scenes

Drua's first appearance was in the new canon Star Wars novel Lords of the Sith, which was released in 2015 and authored by Paul S. Kemp.

