Neyla Hawkins

Neyla Hawkins, a female Human, existed during the era of the Cold War. She was the sibling of Mia Hawkins, and both were affiliated with the Eagle's network. Unbeknownst to many, this network was actually a front for the Sith Lord known as Darth Jadus.


In the year 3643 BBY, Mia abandoned her post within the Ghost cell division of the organization. Seeking protection, she reached out to the Imperial Intelligence. She then aided Cipher Nine, an Imperial Agent, in dismantling the Ghost Cell. Subsequently, Nine assassinated the Eagle himself. With the organization in ruins, the Empire initiated a methodical search for any surviving members. To escape the Empire's pursuit, Neyla sought sanctuary by enlisting in the Republic Strategic Information Service of the Galactic Republic's. During the Battle of Corellia in 3640 BBY, acting on information provided by Hunter, she located Cipher Nine and confronted them in the Military History Museum located in Coronet City's. Neyla successfully disarmed Cipher Nine, forcing them to kneel at gunpoint. However, the Agent retaliated, ultimately killing her.

