Nix Jerd, originating from the Mid Rim planet of Lantillies, was a human male who took on the role of a bombardier within the Resistance's Cobalt Squadron. He maintained a steady hand on the release mechanism of the Cobalt Hammer, a Resistance bomber, prepared to unleash the bombers' payload upon designated First Order targets. During the evacuation of D'Qar, he met his death. Paige Tico attempted to contact Jerd to ensure his safety, but received no answer. Shortly thereafter, Tico discovered Nix's lifeless body while attempting to deploy the bomber's ordnance. Post Jerd's demise, his helmet was retrieved and subsequently donned by his comrade Enanan Supa as she piloted a B-wing Mark III.
As a human male, Nix Jerd possessed fair skin and dark hair and eyes. In stressful circumstances, he exhibited a calm and collected demeanor, remaining composed even when his bomber faced enemy fire. However, Paige Tico, a gunner, noted that he was prone to frequently yelling at pilot Finch Dallow when the situation escalated. He also possessed a knack for mathematics and rapid calculations.

Nix Jerd was outfitted in a yellow flight suit complemented by a white vest, harness, life support apparatus, gray gloves, and black boots. His flight helmet, featuring a gray, red, and yellow color scheme, displayed a white Rebel Alliance starbird emblem and Aurebesh characters translating to "SBS./".