"No Good Deed..." is a short-form comic, a collaborative work by Chris Eliopoulos and Jordie Bellaire, and it saw publication within the pages of Darth Vader (2017) 1.
Darth Vader was aboard his Venator-class Star Destroyer, where he instructed a mouse droid to get his meditation chamber ready. Admiral Mummert's update, concerning the failure of ships to meet the deadline for the Hortolo system, incited Vader's anger. This anger manifested in a lethal force choke. Subsequently, an Imperial general reported that only 10,000 troops were ready for deployment to the Winnikk System, a far cry from the ordered 50,000, which led to the general suffering the same fate. Simultaneously, Vader's TIE fighter was deemed beyond repair. The officer who delivered this news was met with Vader's intense frustration, resulting in them being silenced by the Force.
Despite these issues, the droid, a mouse model, continued its efforts to prepare the meditation chamber. Vader's attempt at a moment of contemplation was cut short when the droid collided with him, leading him to swiftly destroy it with his lightsaber. He then uttered, "At last," as he sought a moment of peace amidst the chaos on his flagship.
Within the short comic story, the third officer is shown sporting 3 grey tiles on their rank insignia plaque. Given that grey isn't a recognized color associated with any rank, this analysis assumes that this was an artistic choice and that the tiles are meant to represent the color blue.