Ooblamon, a thief of the Kubaz species, partnered with his apprentice Vermia, engaged in a business deal with several Acolytes of the Beyond on the planet of Taris. In this transaction, taking place sometime after the Battle of Endor, he vended a lightsaber to them, asserting that it once belonged to the Sith Lord Darth Vader. To showcase the weapon's power, he killed an assassin-spider with it before demanding payment. Upon receiving the agreed-upon sum, he inquired about the Acolytes' intentions before relinquishing the lightsaber. After the buyers departed, Ooblamon confessed to Vermia that he had no actual knowledge of whether Vader had ever possessed the weapon.
Vermia, Ooblamon's rat-faced apprentice and associate, worked with the Kubaz named Ooblamon as a thief. Sometime following the Battle of Endor, he and Vermia met with a trio of women within a dilapidated tenement on the [planet](/article/planet] Taris. Their purpose was to sell a red-bladed lightsaber that he purported to have been the property of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Within the decaying tenement, with the curtains drawn, Ooblamon demonstrated the blade's capabilities to the potential buyers by slicing through a plump assassin-spider. As Vermia opened the curtains to illuminate the exchange, the woman requested to examine and hold the saber, but Ooblamon declined to hand it over until they provided the promised credits.

The three women then wanted to know if the blade truly belonged to Vader, to which Ooblamon admitted he could not prove it, but that it was the color they desired. Following a brief discussion among themselves, the buyers each presented a small box adorned with peculiar symbols and offered them to the Kubaz, who refused to accept them, allowing Vermia to do so instead. As his apprentice tallied the credits, Ooblamon questioned the three women about their identities, discovering that they identified themselves as the Acolytes of the Beyond. Once Vermia verified that they had received the full payment, he prepared to hand over the weapon, but first revealed a blaster concealed on his belt, warning that he would use it if they attempted to attack him or Vermia with the saber. As the Acolytes took the blade and departed, Ooblamon shouted one final question to them, inquiring about their plans for the weapon. The woman disclosed that they intended to destroy it so that it might return to its master in death. After they left, Vermia questioned Ooblamon about the authenticity of the blade, and he admitted that he neither knew nor cared if the weapon had genuinely belonged to Vader.
Ooblamon possessed an unpleasant disposition, finding joy in the sound of clinking credits. He was indifferent to the authenticity of the weapon he sold on Taris, and amused when he learned that its buyers intended to destroy it. He was a male Kubaz with a long snout who communicated in his native tongue, relying on Vermia to translate for him.
Ooblamon's initial appearance occurred in one of the interludes within the novel Aftermath, penned by Chuck Wendig and published in 2015.