The Outcasts, a group of sentients who had suffered banishment from Kerritamba Village located within Kkowir Forest on Kashyyyk, found themselves in perpetual conflict with their former home. These exiles made their dwelling in a webweaver cave situated to the north of the Great Tree. In 1 ABY, their leader was a Human female known as Lady Dahlia Damask.

Back in 1 ABY, a spacer arrived at Kerritamba Village, offering assistance to the villagers with their various troubles. However, the spacer's actions led to an insult directed towards Wirartu, one of Kerritamba's esteemed champions. Enraged, the Wookiee challenged the spacer to a duel, an honorable contest intended to be non-lethal, which the spacer accepted. Despite thoroughly defeating Wirartu, the spacer committed a dishonorable act by brutally killing the Wookiee. Consequently, the spacer was deemed dishonorable by the villagers and banished from the village by its chief, Kerritamba.
Wandering through the forest after their exile, the spacer eventually stumbled upon the caverns inhabited by other exiles from the village. These individuals, who called themselves the Outcasts, welcomed the spacer into their ranks and tasked them with proving their value. The first assignment involved gathering various supplies from the forest, including mouf and webweaver meat, as well as retrieving supply cases from an abandoned Imperial camp. The second task required collecting poison sacs and bones from the webweavers within the cave, and eliminating their brood mother, Ves'ad. As a reward for their efforts, the spacer received a unique sinew-wrapped knife crafted from the webweaver parts they had previously collected.
The third and final task, personally assigned by Dahlia Damask, involved launching a direct assault on Kerritamba Village. The spacer was initially instructed to attack Kerritamba warriors in the vicinity of the village, aiming to reduce their numbers. Subsequently, they were directed to assassinate one of their warchiefs named Naloriss. Following these actions, their ultimate duty was to create a diversion for the village's warriors while an Outcast assassin infiltrated the village and murdered Chief Kerritamba. During the ensuing conflict, the spacer also killed another of Kerritamba's champions known as Olayyyk.
Upon returning to the Outcast's cavernous abode as a victor, the spacer was celebrated as a hero and personally thanked by Dahlia. As a reward, she bestowed upon them a LD-1 target blaster rifle and elevated the spacer to the status of an Exemplar within Outcast society.
Within Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, the Outcasts represent one of the numerous factions from whom players can accept quests. Throughout this extended questline, players have the option to spare Wirartu's life, thereby earning the respect and admiration of both Wirartu and the inhabitants of Kerritamba Village. They can then continue to undertake quests from the village, aiding in their struggle against the Outcasts and another adversary, the Sayormi. Until clarified by an official source, both sets of events are considered to have occurred.