Ovus Buckell was a male human who resided in Coronet City on the planet of Corellia during the High Republic Era. He occupied the role of Finance Minister. In the year 230 BBY, Buckell aspired to become the leader of Corellia and collaborated with the Nihil Respriler to accomplish his goal. Buckell requested that the Nihil stage minor, easily-repelled attacks on Corellia in an effort to persuade the Corellians to isolate the planet from outsiders. During one such assault, Respriler orchestrated the disappearance and apparent murder of the city's current Father of Finances, Nomar Tralmat. Unbeknownst to Buckell, Tralmat and Respriler were, in reality, the same individual. Buckell was subsequently chosen to succeed Tralmat as the Father of Finances, and he also assumed control of Coronet's municipal police force, which he leveraged to establish dominance within the city. Buckell's power grab was ultimately foiled when Respriler revealed his true identity as Tralmat and attempted to assassinate Buckell for disagreeing with his vision. Buckell's life was spared by his bodyguard, Dizcaro, who gave his own life for the Father of Finances and was killed. Following the assassination attempt, Ovus was escorted to safety by Powlo, a Lasat employee of Dizcaro.
Some time passed, and after the Nihil forces on Corellia were defeated, Buckell once more tried to solidify his power on Corellia. Alys Ongwa observed that Buckell had a chance of succeeding and informed the Jedi Padawans Reath Silas and Ram Jomaram that she intended to prevent him from doing so.