Pendra Siliu

During the insurgency on the moon of Jedha, a human child, named Pendra Siliu, lived with her mother, Huika, and her father, Larn Siliu. This female child's life was impacted by the fighting between Saw Gerrera's rebel Partisans and the forces of the Galactic Empire. Seeking refuge from the ongoing conflict, Siliu's mother hoped to find a way off-world, aiming for a safe haven for herself and her daughter. However, in 1 BBY of that year, they remained on Jedha, specifically within Jedha City. Amidst an insurgent attack on an Imperial patrol in the city streets, Siliu became separated from her mother and, terrified, began to cry out. Jyn Erso, an agent of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, noticed the distressed child amidst the chaos. Erso emerged from cover, rushing to Siliu's side, holding her protectively until her mother spotted them. Huika then quickly pulled Siliu away to safety. Tragically, Jedha City faced destruction shortly thereafter, obliterated by the Empire's Death Star superweapon, resulting in Pendra's death in her father's arms.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Pendra Siliu was in the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This film was released in North America on December 16, 2016. Ivy Wong played her in the film.

Though the character was unnamed in the film itself, she was given the name Pendra Siliu in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide. Pablo Hidalgo authored this reference book, which was released alongside the film.

