
Plooz, an Alzarian prince and offspring of King Gokus, experienced a tumultuous youth. In his early years, Sludd, Gokus's general, orchestrated Plooz's abduction as part of an intricate scheme to seize dominion over the planets Alzar and Sooma. Plooz was transported to Sooma, where he encountered King Zornog. Gokus mistakenly believed Zornog had kidnapped his son, leading the Alzarian king to prepare a military assault on Sooma. Simultaneously, Zornog tasked the diplomat droids C-3PO and R2-D2 with returning Plooz to his homeworld.

During their journey, Sludd ambushed their ship, compelling R2-D2 to initiate an emergency hyperspace jump. However, Plooz, in an attempt to assist, inadvertently interfered with the ship's anti-matter mechanism, generating a time warp in space that propelled the vessel into the future. Upon arriving in the Endor system, Plooz panicked and ejected one of the craft's escape pods. Landing on the Forest Moon of Endor, Plooz was greeted by the indigenous Ewoks, who revered him as a "Star Child" destined to bring fortune. He became entangled in the unsuccessful Chirpa-Gorneesh peace summit and was later recovered by C-3PO and R2-D2. The trio then navigated back through the time warp to their original era, successfully thwarting Sludd's coup d'état in the process.



Prince Plooz, the son of King Gokus, lived within the Alzarian palace. Sometime during the Imperial Period, Sludd, a general serving his father, arranged for the child's removal from the palace and placement aboard a trade freighter en route to the planet Sooma. Sludd, who was preparing to launch a coup d'état against both Gokus and Sooma's King Zornog, intended to create the illusion that the Sooman monarch had abducted Plooz. The general anticipated that Gokus would respond by deploying a fleet against Sooma, igniting a war between their respective worlds. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Sludd planned to seize control of both planets for himself.

Plooz inadvertently begins strangling King Zornog.

Upon his arrival on Sooma, the young Plooz made his way into the Sooman palace, where he was greeted by King Zornog. The king kept the child close as communications were established with Alzar. King Gokus was enraged and issued threats to the Sooman king. While Zornog would not tolerate Gokus's intimidation, he maintained that Plooz had simply stowed away on a freighter and that there was no kidnapping plot involved. However, Gokus refused to accept Zornog's explanation and demanded Plooz's return within a day, or he would dispatch his fleet to attack Sooma. Zornog faced more immediate concerns when Plooz, attempting to play with the Sooman king, grabbed the monarch's robes and began pulling, inadvertently choking him.

R2-D2 and C-3PO, two diplomatic couriers and droids who had recently arrived at the palace, intervened to fend off Plooz. In gratitude, Zornog provided the pair of droids with his fastest starship, entrusting them with the task of ferrying the young prince back to his father. During the journey, Plooz discovered the ship's food synthesizer, where he began consuming enormous Neuvian sundaes, much to C-3PO's dismay. However, as the ship continued its course toward Alzar, battleships under General Sludd's command approached the Sooman craft in an attack formation. In a panic, C-3PO hailed the vessels, informing them that he had the Alzarian prince on board. Plooz watched in horror as Sludd's image appeared on the ship's viewscreen, informing the occupants that they would soon perish under his weapons.

Lost in time

Plooz disrupts the ship's anti-matter device.

As Sludd's craft descended upon them, C-3PO instructed R2-D2 to take evasive maneuvers and prepare the craft's anti-matter system for hyperdrive. Plooz, overhearing the order, wanted to assist and rushed to the anti-matter controls, tugging at the module's handles. In doing so, he disrupted the ship's anti-matter pods, preventing the proper activation of the ship's hyperdrive. Simultaneously, Sludd's craft began launching electron torpedos, causing C-3PO to hastily order his counterpart to jump to hyperspace without the anti-matter system. The jump occurred just before the torpedoes would have struck, placing Plooz, C-3PO, and R2-D2 in relative safety.

During the unconventional hyperspace jump, the ship's occupants were tossed around the cockpit. As they regained their composure, C-3PO observed, with great shock, that there were no stars visible outside the ship, only a bright, pink opening. As they flew through the opening, they could once again see stars, but R2-D2 pointed out that they had actually traveled one hundred years into the future, creating a time warp by causing an anti-matter overload upon jumping to hyperspace. Although the astromech droid's calculations were inaccurate, the trio were actually in the Endor system, within the Moddell sector. Plooz cried out in distress and began longing for his native Alzar. He made a dash for the ship's escape pod, but C-3PO quickly restrained him. However, as the protocol droid turned his attention away from the Alzarian prince to provide R2-D2 with instructions, the child dashed for the pod again, successfully entering and ejecting it this time.

"Star Child"

The pod entered the atmosphere of the Forest Moon of Endor, landing abruptly in a swamp near Bright Tree Village. A terrified Plooz eventually emerged, encountering a group of Ewoks. Chirpa, the chief of Bright Tree Village, had witnessed the pod's fiery descent to Endor and interpreted it as an omen. Logray, the village shaman, had foreseen in his fortune stones that a blinding flash of light, similar to the one generated by the pod's fall, would bring good fortune to the Ewoks. Upon seeing Plooz, Chirpa hailed the Alzarian as a "Star Child," sent to Endor from the stars as a sign that the upcoming Chirpa-Gorneesh peace summit would be successful and end the Ewok–Dulok War.

Plooz, however, was far from enthusiastic and began crying loudly. Wicket W. Warrick pacified him by offering him some honey. While consuming the Ewok treat, Plooz was picked up by Chirpa and taken back to Bright Tree Village, where he could be cared for by the settlement's inhabitants. As Chirpa and his Council of Elders prepared to depart for their meeting with King Gorneesh of the Duloks, Plooz hid in a large honey pot, devouring its contents. He was eventually retrieved, bathed, and held aloft by Chirpa's entourage as they took him to the summit as a symbol of peace.

Chirpa-Gorneesh peace summit

Plooz is brought to the Chirpa-Gorneesh summit.

The summit took place on a wooden bridge spanning a deep chasm, with the two parties positioned on opposite sides. Gorneesh summoned Chirpa, requesting that he cross the bridge and meet on the Dulok side. The chief complied, bringing Plooz with him. Gorneesh agreed with Chirpa's description of the child as a good omen, but quickly snatched the child from the Ewok's grasp, declaring that Plooz was too valuable a sign to waste on the Ewoks. The Dulok king held the terrified Alzarian prince over the chasm, demanding that Chirpa and his retinue immediately abandon the now-failed summit. Chirpa complied, but as he and his colleagues crossed back over the bridge, Umwak, Gorneesh's shaman, severed one of the suspension ropes.

At that moment, C-3PO, R2-D2, Warrick, and Chirpa's daughter, Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, arrived at the summit location, with the protocol droid demanding that Gorneesh release Plooz. The rays of the star Ibleam reflected off C-3PO's surface, causing him to glow and giving him the appearance of what the Duloks perceived to be an Ewok demon. Terrified, Gorneesh departed with his henchman, leaving Plooz behind. While Chirpa and his Elders managed to escape the heavily damaged bridge, Plooz attempted to cross it alone, much to the concern of his friends and guardians. R2-D2 produced a rope that Warrick tied to himself in an attempt to retrieve Plooz, but the bridge's ropes quickly snapped, leaving the young Ewok with no choice but to jump down into the chasm after the Alzarian prince. Warrick caught Plooz mid-fall and brought him back to the top of the cliff. Overjoyed, Plooz ran to C-3PO, embracing the droid in relief.


Plooz shields C-3PO from Sludd.

The Ewoks escorted C-3PO, R2-D2, and Plooz back to the Sooman craft and bid them farewell. The trio reentered the time warp with little time to spare, as it closed just as they passed through it. They returned to their own time intact, and although their time-traveling journey had lasted hours, they arrived back mere minutes after their departure relative to their original timeline. Consequently, they were once again in danger of being destroyed by Sludd's fleet, but C-3PO took command, instructing R2-D2 to hurry towards Alzar. Their ship was struck by Sludd's fire and forced to land near the palace.

Plooz, instructed by C-3PO to bring his father to the ship, hurried through the palace corridors, eventually finding Gokus. He rushed back to the droids, only to find them being held at gunpoint by Sludd himself. The Alzarian prince placed himself in the line of fire by leaping onto C-3PO, while Gokus arrived and demanded an explanation from his general. However, no explanation was needed, as R2-D2 played a recording of Sludd's earlier threat to kill Plooz and seize control of both Alzar and Sooma. Enraged, Gokus had his general and his co-conspirators imprisoned. Young Prince Plooz, exhausted, could only fall asleep.

Personality and traits

The Alzarian Prince Plooz possessed a curious nature, constantly exploring technology and interacting with people. His curiosity sometimes had negative consequences, such as his accidental near-strangulation of King Zornog. Speaking with a fragmented dialect, he demonstrated great affection for his father, as well as C-3PO and R2-D2. Plooz also had a fondness for sweet foods, such as sundaes and honey. Despite his young age, the prince was eager to assist, even when he was unable to do so effectively. Again, his enthusiasm proved more of a hindrance than a help, as his tampering with the Sooman ship's anti-matter device ultimately led to the creation of a time warp.

Behind the scenes

Plooz debuted in David Manak's crossover event between the Star Wars: Droids and Ewoks comic series, spanning issues Droids (1986) 4 and Ewoks 10. These two issues center on Plooz and his various adventures across different time periods.

