Porolo Miatamia

Porolo Miatamia, a male Diamal, served as a senator representing the Diamala people in the New Republic. By the year 19 ABY, he held this position and championed the cause of peace during the tumultuous period of the Caamas Document Crisis. He was a Diamal senator of the New Republic.


Caamas Document Crisis

During the Caamas Document Crisis, Porolo Miatamia, the senator elected to represent the Diamala, found himself in a political rivalry with Senator Ghic Dx'ono of the Ishori. During this period of unrest, Miatamia, accompanied by his aide and Lando Calrissian (who was providing transport from Cilpar to Coruscant), was taken captive by Flim, an imposter impersonating Grand Admiral Thrawn. Dx'ono and other senators initially dismissed these claims as false during senate sessions, but they were later proven accurate.

Yuuzhan Vong War

By the year 25 ABY, Miatamia held a position on the Council on Security and Intelligence. In this capacity, he attended Colonel Belindi Kalenda's presentation, which addressed the supposed "defection" of Elan and Vergere, as well as the Yuuzhan Vong's assault on Wayland.

Personality and traits

He possessed considerable skill as a sabacc player.

