
Qawohl, who was also called Maggot, served as a male Abyssin slave for Teneb Kel circa 3678 BBY during the period of the Great Galactic War. During the Invasion of Begeren, Maggot participated in the fighting, eliminating a significant number of Republic troopers, though he sustained injuries himself. His master rescued him from the battle, but both were subsequently apprehended by the Sith for the transgressions of Calypho. He remained with Kel as they pursued the Emperor's renegade apprentice, Exal Kressh.


Invasion of Begeren

Kel rescues Maggot at the conclusion of the Invasion of Begeren

In 3678 BBY, Qawohl, known as "Maggot" by his Sith master Teneb Kel, fought alongside the Sith forces in the Battle of Begeren. Despite suffering wounds that would have proven fatal to a human, he persevered, managing to kill several enemy combatants before losing consciousness. After his master dispatched the Republic governor on the planet, he located Maggot, and the pair subsequently departed from the battlefield.


Following the invasion of Begeren, Sith authorities arrested Maggot's master concerning the wrongdoings of his former Sith mentor, Lord Calypho. Kel and Maggot were transported to the Imperial capital, Dromund Kaas. En route to a meeting with the Dark Council, Maggot advised Kel to escape to the border territories. Kel, however, declined and opted to confront the council directly. Maggot remained outside the council chambers until Sith personnel escorted him to a vessel, where he discovered his master unconscious and in need of medical attention. Maggot provided nourishment to the incapacitated Sith until he regained consciousness. Upon recovering, Kel promptly instructed his slave to set a course for the Lenico system, as he had received a mission from the council to bring the Emperor's rogue apprentice, Exal Kressh, to justice.

The Hunt for Exal Kressh

Maggot takes a respite from the war with a young Jedi Padawan

The duo journeyed to various colonies within the Lenico system, seeking information regarding Kressh's whereabouts. At the fourth colony, Lenico Colony Blue, they encountered Ybann the Hutt, who possessed limited knowledge of their target, only knowing that she had briefly been present at the station before disappearing. Maggot later inquired about Kressh's identity, but Kel refused to provide details, stating that it was a "Sith matter". Kel then suggested that Maggot enjoy the company of aliens in the Hutt's suite, asserting that he had earned the night. Shortly after, Maggot was forced to rescue his master when Kel's battle with Exal Kressh led to Lenico Colony Blue plummeting in flames towards the planet's surface.

Respite on Lenico IV

While Teneb Kel scavenged the wreckage of the colony for parts to repair his ship, Maggot stood guard over the ship, engaging in conversation with the Padawan of Jerbhen Hulis, a youngling fluent in the Abyssin language. Upon Kel's return, Maggot received orders to immediately set course for Korriban, where Exal Kressh was leading a Republic assault force.

Showdown in the Korriban Sith Academy

Maggot is regretfully struck down by his master.

Upon their arrival in the Horuset system, Teneb Kel and Maggot discovered an ongoing conflict between a Republic invasion and the Imperial defenders of Korriban. Kel prepared to seek out Kressh on foot, instructing Maggot to claim his freedom should he not return alive, before leaping from his ship to enter the Academy via a concealed entrance.

After Teneb Kel ventured into the Academy, Maggot secretly trailed him, arriving amidst Kel's duel with Exal Kressh. Maggot successfully wounded Kressh with several blaster bolts, providing Kel with a moment of respite, potentially aiding in his victory over his adversary. Following the conclusion of the duel, Maggot revealed his birth name, Qawohl, and demanded his freedom in his native language, which Kel did not comprehend. Kel, upon realizing that his servant had overheard certain secrets shared by Kressh, abruptly turned on Qawohl and impaled him through the torso with his lightsaber, whispering an apology as he killed him to maintain the confidentiality of the information. In a final gesture of respect for his loyal companion, Kel covered Qawohl's body with a fallen Sith's cloak before departing the planet.

Personality and traits

Qawohl was a devoted slave, a quality that endeared him to his master, Teneb Kel.

Qawohl demonstrated the exceptional strength characteristic of his species, brutally eliminating numerous Republic soldiers during the Invasion of Begeren and remaining conscious, despite sustaining severe injuries, until his master came to his aid.

