R2-H7, identifiable by its green and white coloration, was an R2 series astromech droid affiliated with the Royal Naboo Security Forces. In 22 BBY, it accompanied Captain Gregar Typho to the planet of Coruscant, nestled within the astromech socket of the Captain's N-1 starfighter. Their mission involved providing protection for Senator Padmé Amidala; however, upon their arrival on Coruscant, the Senator's J-type diplomatic barge was obliterated by an explosion. While Amidala survived, R2-H7 sustained damage from the burning wreckage.
An R2 series astromech droid constructed by Industrial Automaton, R2-H7 provided service to the security forces responsible for safeguarding the Royal House of the planet Naboo. During the events of 22 BBY, R2-H7 occupied the astromech socket of an N-1 starfighter, with Captain Gregar Typho at the controls. Their assignment was to escort the J-type diplomatic barge carrying Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo to Coruscant. The senator planned to participate in the Galactic Senate vote regarding the Military Creation Act. Once on Coruscant, Typho landed his starfighter on a designated pad, near where the barge was parked, and then exited the vehicle.

Subsequently, R2-H7 descended from the fighter to the platform as Typho linked up with Amidala, who had arrived in disguise due to Typho's concerns regarding the potential dangers of her return to Coruscant. His worries proved valid when a bomb, set by the assassin Zam Wesell, exploded and destroyed the barge, resulting in the death of Amidala's decoy, Cordé. The resulting explosion sent debris flying, one piece of which struck R2-H7, damaging the droid and causing it to fall over. R2-H7 was left smoking on the platform while Typho and Amidala sought safety.
R2-H7 made its debut in the 2002 film, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which is part of the prequel trilogy. The droid was digitally added during the film's post-production phase. Tim Veekhoven first gave the droid its name in issue 55 of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 55, which was released around January 20, 2016.