RA-7-D4 was a droid adhering to the RA-7 protocol droid specifications. Functioning as a spy for the Resistance, it was stationed on the First Order Finalizer, a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. During 34 ABY, it translated and recorded the report of IT-000-XZ 1594 regarding the interrogation of Poe Dameron; this information was then transmitted by the droid to C-3PO, who operated the droid spy network of the Resistance.
RA-7-D4, built by Arakyd Industries, had a height of 1.7 meters and included an interface port for network connections alongside broadband photoreceptors treated with antiglare.
The initial reference to RA-7-D4 occurred in Poe Dameron: Flight Log, a book for young readers authored by Michael Kogge and published on November 1, 2016.