IT-000-XZ 1594

IT-000-XZ 1594 functioned as an IT-000 interrogator droid within the ranks of the First Order. During 34 ABY, this specific droid interrogated "Prisoner 8910542"—who was actually Resistance pilot Poe Dameron—on the Finalizer, a _Resurgent_-class Star Destroyer. The torture droid persistently questioned Dameron about the whereabouts of the map leading to Luke Skywalker, repeating the inquiry 813 times, until Dameron responded by spitting on the droid. Consequently, IT-000-XZ 1594 employed procedures 2265, 6304, 3333, and K8-A4 on the captive, with the final method almost causing Dameron to choke on his tongue. Ultimately, Kylo Ren intervened by entering the holding cell, pushing the droid aside to personally conduct the interrogation. Ren's actions caused his prisoner to scream, which resulted in the shattering of IT-000-XZ 1594's sensory components, rendering it unable to continue recording. Following this, the unit submitted its report to translator RA-7-D4, unaware that this protocol droid was secretly affiliated with C-3PO's spy network.

