Ran Machado

Ran Machado was a male Human who was employed by the Lok Revenants. This group of pirates was under the leadership of a Feeorin named Nym. Following the Battle of Yavin, amidst the ongoing Galactic Civil War, Nym tasked Machado with the responsibility of getting rid of different types of unwanted plants that had sprouted within Nym's Stronghold and the adjacent city on the planet Lok. While overseeing this weed removal project, Machado sought assistance from others, promising them both credits and recognition. During the time he was in charge of the weed eradication at Nym's Stronghold, Machado was seen wearing armor and sporting a Borg Construct Aj^6 cybernetic implant attached to the rear of his head.


Ran Machado in Nym's Stronghold on Lok

As a male Human, Ran Machado served in the ranks of the Lok Revenants, a pirate organization commanded by the Feeorin pirate known as Nym, at least during a portion of the Galactic Civil War. At least during part of his service with this group, sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Machado was stationed at Nym's Stronghold on the planet of Lok. There, Nym gave him the job of supervising the removal of a large quantity of undesirable plants that had grown inside the stronghold and the city surrounding it. Machado remained at the entrance to the fortress, attempting to lure passersby with the promise of credits and fame if they offered their assistance.

Eventually, a spacer consented to deal with some of the weeds. Machado assigned the spacer a specific amount of different weed types to remove, including paddle cacti, yellow pod weeds, some low growing weeds, tall weeds, and flowering cacti. He directed the spacer to fulfill the specified amount and then dispose of the waste in a dumpster located within Nym's Stronghold. Once the spacer had completed the task and returned to Machado, the pirate compensated them with 2000 credits for their labor, along with a small bonus for extracting extra weeds. However, the job was not yet finished after the spacer had completed their quota, leading Machado to continue seeking additional help.

Personality and traits

At the time of his weed-pulling assignment, Machado had a completely bald head with brown eyebrows. His eyes were also brown, and he had light-toned skin. While working for Nym, Machado would celebrate by clapping his hands, raising his arms into the air, and shaking them.


Ran Machado's Borg Construct Aj^6 cybernetic implant

As a member of Nym's pirate band, Machado possessed a dark-gray Borg Construct Aj^6 cybernetic implant affixed to the back of his head, which covered his ears. This implant featured dark-red and light-blue markings, along with small red lights. He also wore a suit of armor that covered his entire body except for his head. The sections of the armor covering his upper torso, upper arms, and the tops of his boots were a light-gray color. However, the parts covering his lower torso, waist, hands, thighs, some of his lower legs, and the toes of his footwear were a slightly darker shade of gray. He also sported a dark-gray pauldron on his left shoulder and a belt. His lower arms and most of his lower legs were covered with armor in both darker and lighter shades.

Machado had access to devices that enabled him to communicate with the spacer who was pulling weeds for him.

Behind the scenes

Ran Machado's initial appearance was in Star Wars Galaxies, a 2003 MMORPG online video game created by LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment, which was taken offline on December 15, 2011. Ran Machado was introduced to the game as a component of the updated "Nym's Theme Park," which was launched with "Game Update 16," on March 23, 2010.

Players could approach Ran Machado to initiate a quest that required them to remove a specific quantity of various types of weeds to complete. Successfully completing the quest rewarded the player with experience, credits, and a random weed, which was part of a collection that granted the player a badge upon completion. Interacting with Ran Machado was optional for the player, so it was not certain whether anyone assisted him with his weed removal or even spoke to him at all.

During the quest "Out of My Mine," the Lok Revenant Grenz Zittoun mistakenly identified Ran Machado as the Grand Foreman of the Imperial Mine. This position was actually held by Rel Rogock.

