Red Four (comic story)

"Red Four" is a single-page comic tale considered canon. It was included in Marvel Comics 1000, a commemorative issue celebrating the 80th year of the Marvel Comics publishing company. Charles Soule penned the story, Terry Dodson provided the illustrations, and the comic was released on August 28, 2019.

The narrative centers on a soldier from the Rebel Alliance who is relaying the account of Red Four. She sacrificed her life in a suicidal attack, crashing into the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, during a battle.

Plot summary

A Rebel Alliance soldier is recounting to his fellow troopers the story of Micha, known as Red Four. During a battle taking place circa 1 BBY, Micha gave her life by crashing her X-wing into the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. The troopers believe that Micha's act of eliminating Vader will be a significant setback for the Galactic Empire. However, the Sith Lord unexpectedly emerges from the debris, destroying the wreckage of the X-wing's. Darth Vader then activates his lightsaber.


To commemorate the eightieth anniversary of Marvel Comics, the comic book titled Marvel Comics 1000 was created, featuring a one-page story representing each year of the company's existence. The comic was released on August 28, 2019. The Star Wars universe was chosen to represent the year 1977 with the "Red Four" comic, a tribute to the publication of Star Wars (1977) 1. This comic was the first since the Golden Age of Comics to sell over a million copies. Charles Soule was the writer, Terry Dodson handled the pencils and colors, and Rachel Dodson did the inking. Cory Petit was responsible for the lettering, and Tom Brevoort served as the editor for the issue.

