Republic (disambiguation)

A republic is a form of governance where the populace is governed by individuals they have elected. The idea of a republic, and by extension, democracy because the heads of state are chosen by the people and have limited powers before a majority, is generally seen as the opposite of an empire mainly because the latter involves an absolute ruler with supreme authority and minimal citizen involvement. Throughout galactic history, numerous republics have existed, including:

Throughout galactic history, there have been many republics:



  • The Galactic Republic, also known as the Old Republic.
  • The Kathol Republic, a government located within the Kathol sector
  • The New Republic, established after the Galactic Empire's downfall at the hands of the Rebel Alliance. It was created to bring back the Old Republic.
  • The Ylesian Republic, a puppet government of the Yuuzhan Vong that was established by the Peace Brigade.
  • The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, which emerged from the New Republic after the Yuuzhan Vong took control of Coruscant in 27 ABY, and is also known as the Federal Galactic Republic.

Real life

See also

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Notes and references
