Rey and Friends vs. The First Order

"Rey and Friends vs. The First Order," which debuted on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on March 13, 2020, is the thirty-seventh episode of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures.

Plot summary

The video begins by showing a wide, scenic view of a First Order stronghold situated on an icy planet. Deep within the base, BB-8 stealthily navigates past three stormtroopers and manages to pilfer a hologram disc. During his escape, he accidentally collides with a First Order BB-series astromech droid along with three stormtroopers. BB-8 evades the guards, dashing into the hangar where several 125-Z treadspeeder bikes are stationed. Using macrobinoculars to observe, Finn urges them to move forward. Poe fires at the stormtroopers from his elevated position, while Rey and Finn advance towards the stormtroopers, their blasters firing. The narrator states that in this "galaxy of adventures," cooperation is key for perilous missions. Rey uses her staff to take down a stormtrooper before escaping with Finn on a treadspeeder bike. Chewbacca joins them, and they head into the snowy landscape.

BB-8 also accompanies them, rolling through the snow. Stormtroopers pursue them on two treadspeeder bikes, but Chewbacca uses his blaster to destroy one. Poe pilots another treadspeeder bike on the ridge above. The Resistance members find themselves chased by three First Order jet troopers. As they speed through a snowy forest, BB-8 deploys his grappling cable to latch onto Poe's treadspeeder. The jet troopers quickly destroy Poe's speeder, causing it to explode. Rey and BB-8 safely land on Rey's treadspeeder bike. Chewbacca latches onto BB-8 as Rey instructs him to hold tight. Finn shoots down two of the jet troopers, with one colliding with the remaining trooper. Back at the Millennium Falcon, Rey and Poe celebrate with a "high five," and Chewbacca embraces Poe. BB-8 presents the disk to Rey, who then hugs him.

